Don Carson’s 26 Messages on Revelation

Too good to be true?  The Gospel Coalition has posted 26 lectures by Don Carson on the entire book of Revelation.  Also at this link is a video of Carson teaching a special message covering Revelation chapters 21 & 22 at the TGC Women’s Conference.

Carson on Revelation >>>

Expositions of Revelation by Eric Alexander

Expositions in plural are what we have for Eric Alexander — 2 expositional series through Revelation.  The first series is 27 messages, 3 of which are taught by Sinclair Ferguson.  The second series consists of 18 messages.

Expositions of Revelation by Alexander >>>

John MacArthur on Revelation

John MacArthur is one of my favorite Premil Revelation preachers.  Very little has to be said, after all, it was MacArthur who said every self-respecting Calvinist should be premil (or something to that effect).

Having grown up in a Southern Baptist church and having spent 10 years at Grace Community Church, I tend to favor the Premil camp.  But I am also trying to get my arms around the Amil position which is unfamiliar territory to me.  So, in addition to Azurdia’s audio, I have been wading through Craig Keener’s commentary and G.K. Beales NIGTC tome on Revelation.

MacArthur on Revelation >>>

Jim Hamilton Series on Revelation

Jim Hamilton is another preacher I turned to for audio help on preparing my Revelation study, though, admittedly, he’s the last of the 4 who I will listen to if time allows.  Given that, I don’t even remember where he stands on the Millennium, though I suspect he’s Premil. Since he’s number 4 he doesn’t really get a fair shake in my Revelation posts.

Revelation at Kenwood Baptist >>>

Azurdia: Series on Revelation

Arturo Azurdia preached through the book of Revelation in 81 sermons.  Azurdia’s messages are very insightful and engaging.  He attempts to preach through Revelation expositionally with the intention of seeing the eschatological perspective emerge from the text.  Though Azurdia does arrive at an amillenial perspective, and gives a great deal of weight to the apocalyptic literary genre of the 1st century as faithful guide to correct interpretation.  As such, he views Revelation as a series of perspectives that explain the same thing, elevating symbolism over literalism.

Revelation series >>>

John V. Fesko on Revelation

In January I started taking my teen Sunday School class through Revelation, and last month started taking my adult Bible Study through it.  The only way I’ve been able to manage has been to listen to good audio messages during my commute to turn over the  fallow ground of my mind so that my study time has a head start.  I selected preachers who have a variety of viewpoints. The next few posts will provide links to the most helpful preachers of Revelation that I’ve been able to find on the Internet.

John V. Fesko is amil, and preached through Revelation in 21 messages. John is very concise, carefully thought out, and widely read.

Revelation >>>

On the Dark Side of the Moon?

While it may seem not much has been happening here on the blog, behind the scenes I’ve still be listening to a lot of material.  Here’s what I’ve been doing:

Over the past year I’ve accumulated a load of Martyn Lloyd-Jones sermons from Living Grace and decided to spend a few weeks immersing myself in the messages of the Doctor.  There are so few preachers who have the power and insight of Lloyd-Jones. If you haven’t benefited from the ministry of Living Grace, I encourage you to visit the site at One Place.

I’m also preparing to teach through the book of Revelation to my church’s Bible study soon.  Revelation is a daunting book, and further the wide variety and strong polarity of interpretation is overwhelming.  So I have been methodically listening to a number of preachers from different perspectives — men such as Arturo Azurdia (amil), John MacArthur (premil), John Fesko, Jim Hamilton, and others.  I haven’t found an engaging postmil preacher yet, and may not since that position I find to be one of the least convincing perspectives.  John Fesko’s messages have been very helpful since he tends to broadcast the strongest arguments of a variety of men.

In a future post I’ll tackle these series in Revelation in much more detail, and hopefully, with some greater insight than I’m able to do at the moment.

So, for the next few months it may still seem like FBH is hovering on the dark side of the moon, but it won’t be because we’re not working.