Hughes Oliphant Old: Preaching as Worship

The Mullins Lectures at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary this year invited Hughes Oliphant Old to present 3 lectures on Preaching as worship.  Who is Hughes Oliphant Old?  All I know about him is that he has devoted much of his life to studying the history of preaching, which has produced a massive series of books.  If you preach, this is one man you don’t want to miss.

Preaching as Telling the Story of God’s Mighty Acts of Redemption >>>

Preaching as Remembering the Sabbath to Keep it Holy >>>

Preaching as Communion >>>

Preaching…Must the Means Match the Message, with Arturo Azurdia

Arturo Azurdia gave an incredible message at the Master’s Seminary Chapel about the primacy of preaching in both content and method.  This is a very relevant message given the silly methods employed by a great many churches today.  As John Flavel said, we must preach a crucified Christ with a crucified method.

Preaching, with Arturo Azurdia>>>