Election & Reprobation: Grudem Systematic Theology

 Wayne Grudem’s continuing systematic theology series is now looking at the progress of salvation.  These messages look at election, or as some call it, predestination, and reprobation.  Excellent material for discussion, and a clear and helpful look at the often misunderstood doctrine of election.

Election & Reprobation part 1 mp3 >>>

Election & Reprobation part 2 mp3 >>>

Together for the Gospel ’08

I just returned flying home from T4G in Kentucky, and the entire conference is already online.  The panel sessions are not up yet, but I would guess those require some editing. Here is a brief overview.

Ligon Duncan gave an excellent overview of how systematic theology is used throughout Scripture, primarily responding to those who would dismiss the necessity of systematizing Scripture in favor of using Scripture only as a storyline.

Thabiti Anyabwile look at the issue of racism, and helpfully uncoupled the concept of race from ethnicity.  However, this was a very difficult and often slippery subject to deal with, and to get the full benefit you need to listen to the panel discussion that followed for certain clarifications.

MacArthur gave a clear and powerful look at the doctrine of total depravity, or ‘complete inability’ as he prefers to call it.  He not only lays out clear doctrine from Scripture, he shows how misunderstanding this doctrine dramatically impacts the clarity of the gospel message.

Mohler examined the relentless attack on substitutionary atonement and wrestled through the arguments with us, allowing us not only to see through the issues raised, but allowing us to glimpse into his incredible mind.

R. C. Sproul’s message on the Curse Motif is, as Al Mohler described it, one of Sproul’s most powerful messages that he’s ever heard.  This message was stellar.  Don’t miss this one.

John Piper was also in top form with an incredibly challenging message about how we are to endure suffering for the sake of Christ.  This will change the way you approach ministry.

C. J. Mahaney brought us back down to earth and the harsh realities of daily life and ministry and cleared the road for success in getting back to work. This was vintage C. J.

Listen to all the panel discussions.  The panels are one of the strong points of this conference, and often the panels are more engaging and challenging than the messages they preach.

Together for the Gospel audio page >>>

Romans Consentrated with John Piper

In 5 messages, John Piper takes a condensed look at Paul’s argument in chapters 9 through 11 in which he assures that Israel will be saved. These chapters lead us into the doctrines of grace, particularly focusing on God’s electing work in salvation. Piper deals with this text in one of the most helpful, pastoral and direct ways I’ve heard. He even raises the possibility that it was out of God’s anger with Israel that God extended salvation to the Gentiles.

Piper also relates his difficulty as a seminary student with God’s sovereignty and elective will which caused his world to collapse around him.

Romans, the condensed version page >>>


Panel Discussion: 2007 Desiring God Pastor’s Conference, The Holiness of God

I’m a sucker for panel discussions with good preachers.  I love the candid insight they often bring forth that might not come in a prepared message.

The panel discussion at the Desiring God 2007 Pastors Conference on the Holiness of God is one of the most encouraging and insightful.  John Piper, William Mackenzie, and Thabiti Anyabwile discuss the doctrine of election, sanctification, faith, child salvation, legalism, revival, sufficiency of atonement and the very real differences and gifting required for true ‘missionaries’ who wrestle with a completely new culture, versus the old cliche that ‘we are all missionaries where ever we are.’

 Here are some tidbits.  How can one be helped to come to grips with the doctrine of election in light of the Biblical commands and admonitions for man to act in human will?  Piper suggests the reading of Martin Luther’s ‘The Bondage of the Will,’ and for the more adventurous, to wrestle through Jonathan Edwards ‘The Freedom of the Will.’  Thabiti sketches his personal journey from Islam to Arminian Christianity, to the doctrines of grace.

Panel Discussion>>>