The Promise: Birth of the Messiah, the Animated Musical

This week my first film under the Glorious Films banner has hit store shelves. It’s been two years in the making, a labor of love carefully adapting the nativity story into an animated musical. I wrote and directed the film.


Our official trailer:

Our extended trailer:

The film is available at LIfeWay, Family Christian, and other Christian bookstores and online retailers, including Amazon.

Buy The Promise at >>>

Buy The Promise at>>>


The Rise of Pentecostalism

What are the roots of Pentecostalism? How did it rise? How did it become what it is today?  These are timely questions given the recent Strange Fire Conference. In the face of the dust storm that has followed I would like to suggest listening to Pastor Tom Nelson’s concluding message on church history that answers these questions and provides a clarifying light on the rise and development of Pentecostalism and Neo-Pentecostalism, also known as the Charismatic movement.

Did you know Pentecostalism owes it’s theological heritage to a major error in John Wesley’s Methodism?  Did you know that Pentecostalism is uniquely a “Made in America” product? Did you know that the beginnings of Pentecostalism can be pinpointed to particular individuals at a particular location on January 1, 1901?

If you lean toward Pentecostal or Charismatic beliefs this is your heritage, and I’ll warn you, it’s not pretty. Nelson views the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement as being as destructive to Christianity as 19th century Liberalism.

By the way, Nelson gave this message in the Spring of 1999.

The Rise of Pentecostalism >>>

The Expositors Summit 2013

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary recently featured Alistair Begg, H. B. Charles and Al Mohler at the annual Expositors Summit.

From the website:

Preaching plays a vital role in a church’s health. For this reason, this year’s Expositors Summit aims to contribute to the health of local churches by restoring the primacy of expository preaching in the pulpit. Preachers, pastors, students and all who love the Scriptures are invited to hear keynote speakers R. Albert Mohler Jr., H.B. Charles Jr. and Alistair Begg at this Word-driven event.

“Preaching is the essential instrumentality through which God shapes his people.”
– R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Session 1 Al Mohler >>>

Session 2 H. B. Charles Jr. >>>

Session 3 Alistair Begg >>>

Session 4 H. B. Charles Jr. >>>

Session 5 Alistair Begg >>>

Session 6 Al Mohler >>>

Chapel Session Alistair Begg “One Thing” >>>

Chapel Session H. B. Charles Jr. “A Safe Place in God” >>>

Here are two promotional videos for the conference:

Tom Nelson’s Church History: The Footprints of God

Tom Nelson is not the Thomas Nelson of the publishing house by the same name; Tom Nelson is senior pastor of Denton Bible Church, Denton, Texas, and an wonderfully clear and biblical preacher.

Covering 2000 years of church history is no easy task. I’ve listened to many series on Church History and Tom’s is one of the most concise and accessible. In fact, it’s addicting. On a recent road trip I played the first session for my family of six and we listened to 8 sessions.

This is a great series that is informative, entertaining, challenging, and refreshing. Know where your theology came from, and download this excellent series on Church History. You won’t be disappointed.

Sermon 1 – The Age of Catholic Christianity A.D. 70-312
Sermon 2 – The Age of Imperial Christianity A.D. 312-590
Sermon 3 – The Age of Imperial Christianity (Part Two)
Sermon 4 – The Age of Christendom A.D. 590-1517
Sermon 5 – The Rumblings of Reform
Sermon 6 – The Age of Reformation A.D. 1517-1648
Sermon 7 – The Age of Reformation (Con’t) A.D. 1517-1648
Sermon 8 – The Age of Reason and Revival 1648 – 1789
Sermon 9: The First Great Awakening 1720-1740
Sermon 10: The Second Great Awakening 1787 – 1810
Sermon 11: The Revival of 1857: “The Layman’s Prayer Revival”
Sermon 12: The Rise of Liberalism: The Late 1800′s to Present
Sermon 13: The Rise of Pentecostalism: 1867 – Present

Church History volume 1 >>>

Church History volume 2 >>>

Church History Outline >>>