J. Gresham Machen’s Response to Modernism

A new book being lauded in reformed circles is a printing of seven of J. Gresham Machen’s radio addresses on theology. The book is tltled “The Person of Jesus; Radio Addresses on the Deity of the Savior,” published by Westminster Seminary Press.

Machen’s importance is as an evangelical theologian has not lessened with time, and his insights into the many problems that plague the church today, and his trust in Christ and Scripture have not lost their sharpness.  John Piper’s biographical sermon of J. Gresham Machen’s life and work is a great introduction to a great man, and I hope many will become acquainted wth Machen through this marvelous book of radio addresses.

John Piper’s biographical sketch of Machen >>>

There is more information about Machen’s book of radio addresses on the Westminster Bookstore website, including an impressive collection of endorsements.

Purchase the book at WTS Books >>>

Purchase the book at Amazon.com>>>

The Rise of Pentecostalism

What are the roots of Pentecostalism? How did it rise? How did it become what it is today?  These are timely questions given the recent Strange Fire Conference. In the face of the dust storm that has followed I would like to suggest listening to Pastor Tom Nelson’s concluding message on church history that answers these questions and provides a clarifying light on the rise and development of Pentecostalism and Neo-Pentecostalism, also known as the Charismatic movement.

Did you know Pentecostalism owes it’s theological heritage to a major error in John Wesley’s Methodism?  Did you know that Pentecostalism is uniquely a “Made in America” product? Did you know that the beginnings of Pentecostalism can be pinpointed to particular individuals at a particular location on January 1, 1901?

If you lean toward Pentecostal or Charismatic beliefs this is your heritage, and I’ll warn you, it’s not pretty. Nelson views the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement as being as destructive to Christianity as 19th century Liberalism.

By the way, Nelson gave this message in the Spring of 1999.

The Rise of Pentecostalism >>>

Tom Nelson’s Church History: The Footprints of God

Tom Nelson is not the Thomas Nelson of the publishing house by the same name; Tom Nelson is senior pastor of Denton Bible Church, Denton, Texas, and an wonderfully clear and biblical preacher.

Covering 2000 years of church history is no easy task. I’ve listened to many series on Church History and Tom’s is one of the most concise and accessible. In fact, it’s addicting. On a recent road trip I played the first session for my family of six and we listened to 8 sessions.

This is a great series that is informative, entertaining, challenging, and refreshing. Know where your theology came from, and download this excellent series on Church History. You won’t be disappointed.

Sermon 1 – The Age of Catholic Christianity A.D. 70-312
Sermon 2 – The Age of Imperial Christianity A.D. 312-590
Sermon 3 – The Age of Imperial Christianity (Part Two)
Sermon 4 – The Age of Christendom A.D. 590-1517
Sermon 5 – The Rumblings of Reform
Sermon 6 – The Age of Reformation A.D. 1517-1648
Sermon 7 – The Age of Reformation (Con’t) A.D. 1517-1648
Sermon 8 – The Age of Reason and Revival 1648 – 1789
Sermon 9: The First Great Awakening 1720-1740
Sermon 10: The Second Great Awakening 1787 – 1810
Sermon 11: The Revival of 1857: “The Layman’s Prayer Revival”
Sermon 12: The Rise of Liberalism: The Late 1800′s to Present
Sermon 13: The Rise of Pentecostalism: 1867 – Present

Church History volume 1 >>>

Church History volume 2 >>>

Church History Outline >>>

B. B. Warfield on Arminians and Evangelicals

Kim Riddlebarger did his doctrinal thesis on B. B. Warfield. In this lecture he discusses many aspects about Warfield’s life that you will find fascinating.  Much of Warfield’s life was engaged in defending the Gospel from the persistent Arminian erosion that is so widespread today.  In his writings he carefully explains how the Arminian gospel is, at it’s heart, a theological contradiction within itself.  He defences are as fresh and timely today as they were over a century ago.

Warfield on Arminians & Evangelicals >>>

Introducing Friedrich Schleiermacher

Michael Reeves has been doing a tremendous job of providing very interesting and helpful talks on various aspects of church history, and highlighting key figures.

So who is Schleiermacher and why should we care?  He is the father of modern liberalism.  And Reeves 3 session talk should interest you because, even though you may not think you are a theological liberal, chances are you are going to see how this man you’ve never heard of has probably influenced parts of your theology, and definitely much of what we in our conservative churches.

Introducing Friedrich Schleiermacher >>>

The New Shape of World Christianity

Mark Noll talks about his new book The New Shape of World Christianity with the panel at Christ the Center, along with guest Darryl G. Hart.

The main point of the book is that American Christianity is important for the world primarily because the world is coming more and more to look like America.  Noll argues that the key to understanding the new shape of global Christianity lies in understanding the shifts and changes Christianity underwent when it moved from Europe to America.  Noll focuses on three main factors:

  1. What happened in the US in the late 18th c.
  2. The voluntary element of the great mission work
  3. The type of faith that resulted.

The New Shape of World Christianity >>>

Together for the Gospel 2010

This years T4G (or T4TG as R. C. Sproul suggests it should be renamed) was a great conference.  Powerful and thought provoking messages from almost all the speakers.

Dever’s message on the church putting the Gospel on display was quintessential Dever.

Sproul was phenomenal (even though C.J. didn’t understand it). He looked at how philosophy and the German higher critics deviated from the Gospel, and demonstrated how their mistakes are being embraced today. This was one of the best lectures I’ve ever heard about theological liberalism.

Mohler, as in the last T4G, looks at how our current Christian cultures evangelical zeal often undermines the Gospel itself.

In the same vein, Thabiti unmasks the problem clearly about how the contemporary evangelical fixation with cultural engagement is a disastrous derailment of the Gospel.

MacArthur’s theology of sleep is a theology of the Gospel, because ultimately the salvation of the unbeliever is a work of God, not a work of man, and that allows him to sleep at night. The Arminian gospel so prevalent today, if taken to it’s logical conclusion, should drive us insane because it makes salvation dependent upon us.

Piper, well, what can you say about Piper?

Ligon Duncan makes a great case for why we need to be reading the original sources of the early church fathers, and helps us to navigate the criticisms brought upon them.  Quite an eye-opener.

Matt Chandler talks briefly and movingly about how his efforts to prepare his people for suffering was God’s way of preparing him for his brain cancer. Matt, as always, has very amusing ways of getting across solid theology.

C.J., well, is C.J. talking about his favorite subject, ordinary pastors.

T4G 2010 >>>

Breakout Sessions >>>

Al Mohler on the Future of the Southern Baptist Convention

Al Mohler recently gave an address to the Southern Baptist Convention.  The purpose of the message was to call the SBC to take action in how it must restructure itself for the future, or find itself obsolete.  And the guidance for that restructuring must be to return to Biblical principles.

Mohler begins by narrating a lengthy history of the formation of the SBC, it’s initial purposes, and how it developed over the years to become the institution it is today.  Being an life long SBC guy myself, Mohler’s reflection of his own young years in the SBC was somewhat like a trip down memory lane.  And now that I’m older, in hindsight I see the motivation behind some of the madness I observed (remember the RA’s and Training Union?).

Mohler explains how the business model of General Motors influenced the structure of the SBC.  He also compares the SBC to the philosophy of the mall in America, and how the decline of the mall and decline of GM both signal the imminent decline of the SBC if it does not rise to the challenge and make the necessary changes.

Fascinating address and urgent call to arms.

The Future of the SBC >>>