By What Standard? Critical Race Theory and the SBC

In 2019 the Southern Baptist Convention voted to adopt Proposition 9 on Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality. The proposition was brought to the convention and rushed through with little time for debate. Not only was this brought to the vote in a sketchy manner, it was really disingenuous given how challenging the subject matter is. How many of those voting members in that massive auditorium would even be able to define the terms Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality in any meaningful way? Without a healthy debate this was an emotional vote, not an informed vote.

By What Standard? is a documentary produced by Founders Ministries to reflect on this SBC vote and to provide the material that should have been considered and debated. Tom Ascol, Rod Martin, Josh Buice, Thomas Nettles, Voddie Baucham, Al Mohler, Summer White Jaeger, and others weigh in on the issues that are fracturing the Southern Baptist Convention.

It’s important for Christians to be informed about what Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality is so that we can understand what’s happening in our culture, address racial injustices in a Christian manner, and maintain the integrity of the Gospel and God’s Word.

You can also watch By What Standard? at the Founders website >>>

Coming Home; New Heaven & New Earth: The Gospel Coalition 2015 National Conference

This years TGC National Conference “Coming Home” is now available online. The usual suspects gathered in Orlando in April to talk about Heaven. Don Carson, Tim Keller, John Piper, Phil Ryken, Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever, Voddie Baucham, and a new face, a pastor from Brazil, Augustus Nicodemus Lopes, gave the plenary addresses.

From the website:

The conference titled Coming Home: New Heaven and New Earth sought to stir longing for our ultimate home in heaven as we explored the sweep of redemption from creation to consummation, from Genesis to Revelation. Through times of worship, prayer, fellowship and instruction, we sought to reaffirm the Bible’s teaching on eschatology and declare in word and song with joyful hope that Jesus is returning soon. Along with the nine main plenary sessions we had more than 50 workshops and focus gatherings led by speakers addressing topics including evangelism, homosexuality, student ministry, sexual abuse, faith and work, and more.

Don’t miss Al Mohler’s workshop address “Aftermath”, or G. K. Beale & Ligon Duncan’s workshop “The Gospel and Eschatology.”

Coming Home, The TGC 2015 Conference >>>


Overcoming the World: 2014 Ligonier National Conference

Speaking at this years conference are Voddie Baucham, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, Albert Mohler, Stephen Nichols, R.C. Sproul Jr., R.C. Sproul, and Derek Thomas.  These men consider some very difficult question as it relates to our contemporary culture. How are we to confront this present world?  How do we live faithfully as godly remnant in such a world?  How should we defend the faith?  How do we stand up for and champion biblical ethics in a society that is hostile to our ethics?

From the website:

As has been true in every generation, the church today faces many challenges from the world. The intellectual and moral opposition that we face can seem overwhelming at times, which is why we need to remember that Christ has already overcome this opposition. By His life, death, and resurrection, our Savior has conquered our enemies, and by His Spirit He has granted us to share in the victory. The Lord, in His Spirit, comes alongside us to strengthen us for the battles we face. This strengthening occurs as we are grounded in His truth (John 17:17).

Ligonier is offering this years conference free for online viewing, it is also available for purchase.

Blog post of Highlights >>>

Overcoming the World >>>

2012 Shepherd’s Conference

This year’s Shepherd’s Conference is now available online. The conference featured some speakers who are familiar to the Shepherd’s Conference, such as Phil Johnson, Al Mohler, Steve Lawson, and, of course, John MacArthur.  But this year there was a new face.  Voddie Baucham was one of the keynote speakers this year.

2012 Shepherd’s Conf >>>

2012 Shepherd’s Conf at >>>

Messages for Wives and Mothers

Colin Adams wife Nicki has posted links to 12 messages specifically relating to being a wife and mother.  The post is on Titus2Talk.

The speakers include Carolyn Mahaney, Barbara Hughes, Noel Piper, Susan Hunt, John Piper, Voddie Baucham and Ted Tripp.  I’ve heard a number of these messages by Piper and Baucham, and they are fantastic.  Visit the page and check out the titles. 

Messages of Wives and Mothers page >>>

Family-Driven Faith interview with Voddie Baucham

family-driven-faith.jpgIf I see another “Purpose- Bible-Spirit-Faith-Driven” anything I think I’ll be ill. But, I recently finished reading a book that has impacted me more than any other book I’ve read in the past 5 years, perhaps longer. The book is Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham. Below is a link to an interview with Voddie about this book that could challenge you.

Voddie’s focus on the Biblical truth that the family is where our Christianity takes flesh is not new. In fact, there is nothing really new about this book. What is so impactful is the seriousness Voddie brings to the table, and the direct application that squares directly against the world-culture and our church culture which we have become saturated and very comfortable with. Voddie shows how Deuteronomy 6 and Ephesians 6 are inescapable, yet somehow most churches have missed these very basic mandates.

How many Christian homes do you know that have regular family worship? How many father’s disciple their children in the Christian faith? How many families have ever tried to catechize their children? Catechism? Most of us think catechism is just for Catholics. Return to Deuteronomy 6 and you will find a mandate closer to family catechism than nothing at all.

Voddie also looks at how the average church does not support or train parents to evangelize or disciple their children. Voddie turns to an array of statistics that show how the family has greater impact in discipling children than does the youth ministry movement.

This is a very challenging book to read. I highly recommend it, even if you may not agree with how he applies everything, it will certainly sharpen you and perhaps knock off a blind spot that you’ve been carrying around for years. It did that for me. The interview will give you a good taste of what Family-Driven Faith is about.

Voddie pastors Grace Family Baptist Church in Houston, TX.

Family-Driven Faith interview mp3 >>>

Here’s a message Voddie preached in the same vein of the book.

The Centrality of the Home mp3 >>>