Some Sweet Blessings of Masculine Christianity

This is one of the most thoughtful, pastoral messages I’ve heard on the value of strong, theological, male leadership in the church.  John Piper argues compassionately for the church to move not only from female leadership, but also feminised flavored worship services.  One of the remarkable points John unpacks is that many women in leadership are craving for male leadership. Delivered at the Fidelis Foundation Pastor’s Luncheon. The structure of the message is 11 reasons why we should value Biblical manhood. 

Some Sweet Blessings of Masculine Christianity >>>

A Top Audio Post

How to Listen to a Bad Sermon

J. Ligon Duncan delivered two excellent messages at Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, South Carolina. Ligon challenges us to consider how the individualism, consumerism and relativism of our times have deadened our ability to delve deep into the Scriptures and to live Biblically. He cites how the people of Puritan days would listen to 2 to 3 hour long sermons, because for them Scripture meant something serious given that the smell of burning flesh of that era was present with the persecution of Christians.

Understanding the Times mp3>>>

How to Listen to a Bad Sermon mp3>>>


Feminism in Your Church and Home

Mark Dever, C.J. Mahaney, Russ Moore and Randy Stinson tackle the touchy issue of feminism in the Church and the Christian home.  Russ Moore makes the shocking statement that most Christians are feminists and live in ‘same-sex’ marriages. The reason? Most men do not exercise Biblical headship for their wives.

Randy Stinson observes that the ‘generic Christian’ model of the gender issue undermines the effectiveness of almost everything else that takes place in the church.  DON’T MISS THIS ONE.

Feminism in Your Church & Home >>>


Augustine of Hippo series by Steve Lawson

I am growing more and more fond of Steve Lawson, particularly his look at church history.  This series is fantastic, and I’ll be listening to them again to get all the information.  These messages are delivered at the Friday morning ‘Men’s Seminary’ meeting at Christ Fellowship Baptist Church.  We are greatly blessed to be able to sit in on these sessions. 

In his series ‘Long Line of Godly Men’, Steve Lawson recently covered the life of Augustine of Hippo, one of the most influential men in church history.  Lawson looks intently at Augustine’s battle with the monk Pelagius, and draws some timely conclusions the church needs to hear today.  We enjoy a thousand years of history to see that the outworking of Pelagianism is secular humanism, while the outworking of Augustine is Reformed Theology.  Shortly after, a halfway house between these two theologies emerged, that being Semi-Pelagianism, which dogs the church today.

Augustine was also the writer that had a tremendous impact on Calvin and Luther.  Part 3 looks at how our understanding of the fall, man’s nature and sin directly effects everything else we believe including the Christ’s work on the cross and evangelism.  The distinctions Lawson examine are critical for a correct gospel.

The first message listed, ‘From Clement of Rome to Augustine of Hippo’ is an excellent overview of the first 400 years of church history. Unfortunately, I am unable to locate this message since CFBC has moved the audio on their website. If you find it please leave a comment with a link to this audio file.

Augustine of Hippo part 2 mp3 >>>
Augustine of Hippo part 3 mp3 >>>
Augustine of Hippo part 4 mp3 >>>
Augustine of Hippo part 5 mp3 >>>

‘Time to Act Like Men’ 2007 Men’s Conference

This one day conference at Grace Community Church in California featured John MacArthur, Michael Fabarez, Alex Montoya and Phil Johnson. They took up the subject of Biblical masculinity and spiritual leadership.  This is a must-hear conference for all Christian men.

MacArthur looked at the necessity of men to be strong, couragous, endurance and  conviction.

With his typical candor, Montoya challenged men to live authentic lives knowing the world is watching our every move. He clearly explained what it means to live in the world and not be conformed to the world.

Fabarez took a sharpened look at what it means to be a man in the home, and brought a critical message that all men should use in examining their leadership in the home.

Phil Johnson addressed the feminization of the church, largely caused by the abdication of Christian men.  Phil related very interesting first hand information about how some Christian publishers target their book content for a female audiences, at the expense of the male audience.

This is was a profitable conference, one which I will be returning to listen to a second time.

Act Like Men before God, John MacArthur >>>
Act Like Men in the World, Alex Montoya >>>
Act Like Men in the Home, Michael Fabarez >>>
Act like Men in the Church, Phil Johnson >>>

Al Mohler’s Messages 2006 Ligonier Fall Conference ‘Cross of Christ’

Mohler delivered two brilliant and timely messages about the crises that the church faces today.  Mohler, in typical form, often speaks as Paul wrote, using sentences that go on and on, but are filled to the brim with meaning and purpose. 

In ‘Christ Our Ransom’ Mohler gives us a comprehensive picture of the work of our Savior as God and as our great mediator.  He focuses on the necessity and logic of substitutionary atonement in the message of the cross. The glory and magnificence of Christ, our Redeemer is beautifully portrayed by Mohler.

In ‘Blessing or Curse’, Mohler looks at the big picture of God’s redeeming purpose.  He makes this very challenging statement: “We are living in a time when we find ‘attention’ a very, very rare stewardship. And we are particularly weakened and compromised in the evangelical church today because there is not adequate attention–slow, text driven, theologically enriched attention–to how we are to view the great doctrines of the faith. So, instead, what happens is, even in some of the most orthodox of our churches, what happens is you skip across texts of Scripture. And you take glancing blows across doctrines, and it’s not so much that they are mistaught, but it’s that they are misapprehended.  Because lacking context, and lacking a systematic understanding, and lacking a comprehensive attentiveness to these things, we rob God of His glory in His church by treating doctrines as disconnected realities, and texts as isolated islands of meaning, rather than pointing to the comprehensive purpose of God laid out in the comprehensive unity of Scripture.”

Al Mohler ‘Christ Our Ransom’ >>>

Al Mohler ‘Blessing or Curse’ >>>


Theology-Driven Ministry Conference

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary recently held a conference on the subject of sanctification and ministry, presented by Sinclair Ferguson and Paul Tripp. Tripp focused his messages on the theme of relationships and progressive sanctification. Sinclair took to the subject of sanctification in the life of pastors.

Some noteworthy quotes from Ferguson: “The single most important thing for the minister of the Gospel is that the minister of the Gospel be more and more shaped and fashioned in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, the Christ the people come to believe in is not the Christ of the Scripture. Either become more like Christ or get out of the Gospel ministry because, if you don’t do the former, you will do great damage to the latter.”

“God is never afraid to test His workmanship, Ferguson said, noting that a believer is molded by the trials he or she endures. “What a privilege it is to be tested by the Holy Spirit.” (quotes from Baptist Press)

Both Tripp and Ferguson tackle the subject of how God uses suffering to sanctify his people, particularly his ministers of the church. Ferguson states that every single one of his Scottish minister friends, without exception, has endured unusually high degree’s of trials in their lives. And he concludes that it’s because those are the kinds of ministers who God is able to use effectively in advancing his kingdom. Both Christ and Paul lived lives of ease, so why do we think it will be much different for us? This is bitter, but needed, medicine for our age of ease in the West.

Theology Driven Ministry Conference >>>


‘Radical Effects of the Resurrection’ Piper at Texas A & M

John Piper spoke at Rez Week on the campus of Texas A & M.  This message is largely themed from his book ‘Don’t Waste Your Life’ combined with a 1 Corinthians 15 view of the resurrection.  Piper exhorts the 2000 students to treasure Christ and the gospel above earthly, western comforts. 

 Radical Effects of the Resurrection >>>


Piper: Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head

Piper has tackled a very important issue for men and women, and that is to call men to step up to the plate and return to true Biblical manhood in their families.  He also gives some very helpful admonition to wives.  I highly recommend these two messages to men and women alike.

Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head_Part 1>>>
Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head_Part 2>>>