‘Time to Act Like Men’ 2007 Men’s Conference

This one day conference at Grace Community Church in California featured John MacArthur, Michael Fabarez, Alex Montoya and Phil Johnson. They took up the subject of Biblical masculinity and spiritual leadership.  This is a must-hear conference for all Christian men.

MacArthur looked at the necessity of men to be strong, couragous, endurance and  conviction.

With his typical candor, Montoya challenged men to live authentic lives knowing the world is watching our every move. He clearly explained what it means to live in the world and not be conformed to the world.

Fabarez took a sharpened look at what it means to be a man in the home, and brought a critical message that all men should use in examining their leadership in the home.

Phil Johnson addressed the feminization of the church, largely caused by the abdication of Christian men.  Phil related very interesting first hand information about how some Christian publishers target their book content for a female audiences, at the expense of the male audience.

This is was a profitable conference, one which I will be returning to listen to a second time.

Act Like Men before God, John MacArthur >>>
Act Like Men in the World, Alex Montoya >>>
Act Like Men in the Home, Michael Fabarez >>>
Act like Men in the Church, Phil Johnson >>>

Collections: Michael Fabarez

Fabarez is pastor of Compass Bible Church in Aliso Viejo, California.  I first heard of Fabarez when John MacArthur highly recommended Fabarez’s excellent book Preaching that Changes Lives. Fabarez is a gifted preacher and his preaching exemplifies his directives in his book.

Compass Bible Church >>>

Focal Point Radio >>>