Walking at the Spirit’s Pace

John Barnett has a series of messages that carrys a most difficult application: to slow down, rest and wait upon the Lord.  Barnett shows us from Scripture that the pace of life we live in is not conducive to the work and cadence of the Spirit.  He also suggests that our generation is a 9 commandment generation, rejecting the intent of the Sabbath.  These messages will make you rethink how you live your life, your priorities, and draw you closer to God.  This is a highly recommended cordial for our overwhelmed lifestyles.

How to Slow Life Down mp3 >>>
Enjoying a Personal Sabbath Rest mp3 >>>
How to End Hurry in My Life mp3 >>>
How to Get Ready for Sunday mp3 >>>
Resting Our Weary Minds mp3>>>


Piper’s address to college students

John Piper gave an address to graduating class of the Bethlehem Institute’s one year college level INSIGHT Program.  Piper is concerned about how education has focused on building skill sets and not relating the vast panorama of educational disciplines to Christ.

His address is titled ‘Four Mistakes I Don’t Want You to Make.’ >>>