By What Standard? Critical Race Theory and the SBC

In 2019 the Southern Baptist Convention voted to adopt Proposition 9 on Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality. The proposition was brought to the convention and rushed through with little time for debate. Not only was this brought to the vote in a sketchy manner, it was really disingenuous given how challenging the subject matter is. How many of those voting members in that massive auditorium would even be able to define the terms Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality in any meaningful way? Without a healthy debate this was an emotional vote, not an informed vote.

By What Standard? is a documentary produced by Founders Ministries to reflect on this SBC vote and to provide the material that should have been considered and debated. Tom Ascol, Rod Martin, Josh Buice, Thomas Nettles, Voddie Baucham, Al Mohler, Summer White Jaeger, and others weigh in on the issues that are fracturing the Southern Baptist Convention.

It’s important for Christians to be informed about what Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality is so that we can understand what’s happening in our culture, address racial injustices in a Christian manner, and maintain the integrity of the Gospel and God’s Word.

You can also watch By What Standard? at the Founders website >>>

Dick Lucas Resources at St. Helens

St. Helen’s has built out a new resource library for their excellent sermons and other content. If you’re familiar with St. Helen’s Bishopsgate you’ll know they are known for excellence in their preaching and teaching. Behind this ethos is Dick Lucas who began preaching there is 1961. Dick has been one of my favorite preachers for quite some time, and I’m very excited to see this new resource library.

Dick Lucas Sermons at St. Helens >>>

Everyone’s a Theologian: 2021 Winter Conference

Reformation Bible College has published on Youtube the sessions from their 2021 Winter Conference titled “Everyone’s a Theologian” which was held on January 18, 2021.

The conference was designed to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Ligonier Ministries and celebrate the life and legacy of Reformation Bible College’s founder, Dr. R.C. Sproul. The faculty and guest speakers examined the central themes that Dr. Sproul proclaimed as he strove to help every Christian become a better theologian. The speakers included Stephen Nichols, John Fesko, Ken Jones, James Dolezal, Keith Mathison, and John Tweeddale.

Everyone’s a Theologian Conference >>>

Shepherds Conference 2019 Audio is Now Live

Shepherds' Conference 2019This year’s Shepherds Conference was titled “Faithful.” It was focused on being faithful in ministry.  A host of men joined John MacArthur this year including Sinclair Ferguson, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever, HB Charles, Voddie Bachman, Joel Beeke and many others.

This years conference also included some great breakout sessions focusing on the ministry of faithful ministers.

Sinclair Ferguson on Robert Murray Mc’Cheyne
Joel Beeke on Bunyan
Dever on Sibbs
Lig Duncan on Samuel Rutherford
Steve Lawson on Jonathan Edwards
Mohler on Luther
HB Charles on Spurgeon
Voddie Bachman on William Arthur Phillips

Shepherds Conference 2019 Audio >>>

Sinclair Ferguson on John Flavel

Sinclair Ferguson examines the life and preaching ministry of John Flavel. Flavel was a non-conformist preacher in the 17th century who was exiled from Dartmouth during the Great Ejection. He, along with many others, was not allowed to preach within five miles of any major population center. Consequently, he was devoted to ministering to a single flock in an out-of-the-way place in the south of England.

Flavel epitomized the Puritan style of preaching, which was characterized by three dimensions.

  1. The ministry of the gospel is a ministry of the Word of God
  2. The ministry of the Word of God is a ministry to this particular world.
  3. The ministry of the Word of God to this particular world by this particular worker.

This last dimension is something that is not well understood in our contemporary day, as sermons are reduced to mere facts and figures independent of personality. This didn’t sidestep the importance of carefully preaching the text. The Puritan sermon was a carefully wrought piece of work that began with a clear introduction to the text, an analysis of the key points of the text, an exposition of the truths enshrined in the text, and a clear explanation of how the particular truths arise from the text, and sensitivity in the handling of any difficulties. All of this would be done using plain speech and manifest love for the congregation.

Flavel was a remarkable illustration of this.

In fact, Flavel’s preaching and writing was very popular. A number of his books have remained in print and are available today.

Keeping the Heart, which expounded on the principles of Proverbs.

Divine Conduct; or The Mystery of Providence

Ferguson on John Flavel >>>

Together for the Gospel 2018

The theme of T4G/18 is about being distinct from the world. The usual suspects led the conference: Mohler, Dever, Duncan, Mahaney, DeYoung, Piper, MacArthur, Chandler, Anyabwile, and Platt.

From the website:

What began as a friendship between four pastors from across denominational traditions has burgeoned into a biennial conference for thousands of pastors and church leaders who, for all their differences, are committed to standing together for the main thing—the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Over a decade of consequential gatherings focused on expositional preaching (2006), biblical theology (2008), the gospel (2010), conversion (2012), evangelism (2014), and the Reformation (2016), T4G has sought to reaffirm and reiterate the central doctrine of the Christian faith and to encourage local churches around the world to do the same.

The ensuing years have brought with them many new faces, along with seismic cultural shifts and challenges for Christian ministry. And yet the conference has grown as more and more pastors discover that they share the same gospel-centered ambition.

Twelve years ago, at the inaugural T4G, we adopted a series of theological positions in the form of affirmations and denials. “We are convinced,” we wrote, “that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been misrepresented, misunderstood, and marginalized in many Churches and among many who claim the name of Christ.”

As false gospels circulate and pastors are tempted to bow to cultural pressures, we remain convinced that the church is in a moment of spiritual crisis. Going on twelve years, buoyed by Christ’s promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against it, we remain convinced of the need for a full and gladdening recovery of the gospel in the church.

T4G/18 >>>

S. Lewis Johnson, Expository Preacher

Many years ago John MacArthur was asked what preachers he listens to for his own joy and edification, and one of the men on his short list was S. Lewis Johnson. I had never heard of Johnson and immediately went looking for him. Johnson was involved in ministry for 45 years, a professor at a number of seminaries such as DTS and TEDS, and finished his days of ministry as the pastor at Believer’s Chapel in Dallas.

Johnson is a first-class Bible expositor and I have been blessed by listening to this faithful man preach the Word of God with clarity and power.

Since his death in 2004 the SLJ Institute has collected more than 1500 of Johnson’s sermons and is in the process of transcribing them.

SLJ Institute >>>

Shepherd’s Conference 2018 media

The 2018 Shepherd’s Conference media is now available at the Shepherd’s Conference page. The title of this years conference was “I Will Build My Church.” John MacArthur was joined by Al Mohler, Austin Duncan, HB Charles, Mark Dever, Steve Lawson, Arturo Azirdia and Ligon Duncan.

2018 Shepherd’s Conference media >>>

NAMB & 9Marks Church Planting & Revitalization Conference 2017

9Marks and the North American Missions Board (NAMB) partnered with Send DC to hold a one-day conference on church planting and revitalization in DC.  This year’s focus was “Understanding the Basics for Planters & Revitalizers”.


  • Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC
  • Jonathan Leeman, Editorial Director, 9Marks
  • Bobby Jamieson, Associate Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC
  • Ed Moore, Senior Pastor, North Shore Baptist Church, Queens, NY
  • Nathan Knight, Senior Pastor, Restoration Church, Washington, DC
  • Brian Davis, Pastor, Risen Christ Fellowship, Philadelphia, PA
  • Philip Van Steenburgh, Senior Pastor, Grace Harbor Church, Cape Cod, MA
  • John Onwuchekwa, Lead Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Atlanta, GA

Church Planting & Revitalization Conference 2017 >>>

The 2016 Conference is here >>>