Collections: John Stott

Pastor of All Souls Church in London and writer of many excellent books such as ‘The Cross of Christ’ , ‘Basic Christianity’, ‘Between Two Worlds’, and an excellent commentary ‘The Message of Romans.

All Souls Church>>>

Sermon Index>>>

Collections: J. I. Packer

What can anyone say about J. I. Packer?  While you might not agree on his involvement with the ECT documents, and I certainly do not, you cannot dispute the weighty contributions he has made in his many books that have become classic’s in his day, such as ‘Knowing God’, and ‘Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God’.  His introduction to the Banner of Truth edition of John Owen’s classic work ‘The Death of Death in the Death of Christ’ stands alone as an excellent work, and worthy to be bound in the same book with Owen.

Mark Dever of 9 Marks interviews Packer with a lengthy discussion about his highly controversial involvement with the Evangelicals & Catholics Together documents, here>>> On Life and Ministry with J. I. Packer

Audio of Packer sermons:

Sermon Index>>>

Collections: John Murray

John Murray’s work is that of excellence. He studied at Princeton Seminary under J. Greshem Machen and then went to teach at the newly formed Westminster Seminary after Princeton fell to liberalism.  Recordings of Murray are rare, and usually of inferior quality.  There’s excellent teaching in these recordings if you can struggle through the bad sound quality.

Murray penned one of the best books I’ve ever read on the atonement, ‘Redemption Accomplished and Applied.’ He has also authored an excellent commentary on ‘The Epistle to the Romans’.


ReformedSermons >>>

Collections: Iain Murray

Writer, biographer, church historian, and preacher, Iain Murray is a great asset to the church.  This former assistant to Martyn Lloyd-Jones started the Banner of Truth Trust as an editor and has written some of the most important books on recent church history, including ‘Evangelicalism Divided’ and ‘Revival and Revivalism’. He has also penned biographies on Jonathan Edwards, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and Charles Spurgeon.


The Berean Call>>>