Westminster Preaching Conference

This is a very good conference on preaching aimed at working preachers.  This is not basic preaching material.  It is assumed that the listeners are recieving training in basic exegesis, hermeneutics and homiletics.

It is lecture style, so there is some informational dryness to the tone and content, but there is much to be gained.  Dan Doriani tackles some common misconceptions, such as the avoidance of anything narrative in a reaction against the emergent church (I’m assuming).  He also explains why sometimes it’s helpful to bypass the main point of the passage and focus on a secondary inference.

Carl Trueman looks at the preaching ministry of John Owen and the political climate surrounding Owen’s ministry, and draws some very helpful conclusions about what lines Owen crossed bridging theology and politics, and what lines he did not cross.

James Garretson looks at the life and ministry of Archibald Alexander, including his conversion.  Garretson also provides many of the preaching and pastoral convictions of Alexander.

An Exposition of Biblical Narrative – Dan Doriani
The Theory and Practice of Preaching Biblical Narrative – Dan Doriani
The Preacher’s Story and the Quest for Godliness – Dan Doriani
Princeton Portrait – Archibald Alexander – James Garretson
What Do You Preach the Day After the King is Executed? – Carl Trueman
Narrative Preaching – Tuck Bartholomew
Beyond the Sacred Page: When the Story Doesn’t Say What You Wish – Dan Doriani