Inspiring Lives with Iain Murray

Iain Murray is always a pleasure to listen to. 9 Marks Mark Dever talks with Iain about many lives Iain has met either through biography or through an encounter in his life.

Iain talks about many of the men he has written biographies of, including some men who may be obscure to many of us, yet none-the-less inspiring.

Iain also talks at length about a number of men he has spent time with, including Martyn Lloyd-Jones and John Murray.

I always come away from Iain’s lectures or interviews with fresh insight and new inspiration.  This interview will feed your soul.

Inspiring Lives with Iain Murray>>>

Church Membership with Guy Waters

Guy Waters joins the Christ the Center panel to talk about the importance of church membership.  Today’s familiar aversion to church membership is a relatively new phenomenon, something that wasn’t seen in most of church history.  Waters brings many excellent observations and Scriptural support for the necessity of church membership.  An excellent discussion.

Church Membership >>>

N.T. Wrights View of Justification Discussed

Al Mohler moderates a panel discussion with Tom Schreiner, Mark Seifrid, Denny Burk and Brian Vickers at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The topic of their discussion is N. T. Wrights revisionist view of justification.  This was a very good interview about justification and the challenges raised against it today, and the importance that we deal with this kind of error firmly.

Panel Discussion on Justification >>>

Restoration Prophecy in Ezra-Nehemiah

Very interesting discussion at Christ the Center with Matthew Patton about the “already/not yet” eschatology found in Ezra and Nehemiah.  Some of the discussion is challenging, but other parts are incredibly helpful, such as the discussion of typology.  From the site:

The Christ the Center corporal’s guard spoke with Matthew Patton, PhD student in biblical studies at Wheaton College Graduate School in Wheaton, IL about his paper “Searching for a Truly Repentant Israel: Ezra-Nehemiah and Restoration Prophecy.” A very fascinating discussion was had about such things as the already/not yet eschatology of Ezra-Nehemiah and how even though Israel was back in the land, they had not returned from exile. The significance of typology was also addressed. One of the strengths of Matt’s research is that he shows the intertexuality of the various parts of the Bible. This paper particularly highlights Nehemiah’s prayer and his citations and allusions to Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and 1st Kings. This discussion augers well for future in-depth biblical theological and exegetical conversations.

Restoration Prophecy >>>

Piper in Germany at the Hirten Konferenz

John Piper participated in the Shepherds Conference (Hirten Konferenz) in Bonn, Germany. He brought a series of three messages that he has previously given, though somewhat modified for the occasion.  Great messages here, however they are difficult listening because of the German translation.

Feel Christ, message 1 >>>

Think Christ, message 2 >>>

Preach Christ, message 3 >>>

Panel discussion >>>

Interview >>>

Sunday message, “What Makes the Good News Good?” >>>

The Life and Ministry of C. H. Spurgeon

Phil Johnson gave a series of excellent addresses on the life and ministry of Charles Spurgeon. Johnson has become something of a Spurgeon expert while running the fabulous Spurgeon archive, and he has given us a tremendous gift in this series of messages. Johnson looks at various aspects of Spurgeon’s life, such as his conversion, his marriage, his gout, his theology, his ministry and his battles. Very interesting and edifying. Don’t miss these gems.

Phil delivered these messages in 2006 at Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Rio Rico, Arizona.


Life & Ministry of C.H. Spurgeon >>>

Don Carson: Praying with Paul

Justin Taylor has found the messages that Don Carson delivered in Cambridge that led to his fantastic book A Call to Spiritual Reformation.  This is a young Carson with powerful messages on prayer.

The conference messages are a good introduction to this book, and covers some of  the same material.  The book contains more material, and because it is such a phenomenal and important work, I highly recommend you read this book.

Praying with Paul >>>