On the Christian Practice of Lament

Jonathan Leeman at 9 Marks interviews Mark Vroegop on the subject of lament. Mark recently published a book on lament called Dark Clouds Deep Mercy.

Crawford Loritts says in an endorsement, “Mark Vroegop reminds us that grief and sorrow are not the denial of God’s presence or a lack of faith in God’s sovereign care. God calls us to lament, to give expression to our pain and sorrow, which in turn leads to authentic hope, healing, and health. Vroegop shepherds our hearts and shows us the path to discovering ‘deep mercy in dark clouds.’ This book is a hope-filled treasure!”

In this 9 Marks podcast Jonathan and Mark talk about the necessity of lament, it’s healthy place in the Christian Life, and provide some careful marks that distinguish godly lament from complaining at God.

Interview with Mark Vroegop >>>

Resurrection Life in a World of Suffering, TGC 2016 Women’s Conference

The Gospel Coalition’s 2016 Women’s Conference was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, from June 16 to 18, 2016. More than 7,000 women from all 50 states and 40 countries gathered together to study 1 Peter.

The conference, “Resurrection Life in a World of Suffering,” sought to show who we are in Christ and how we are to live as redeemed sojourners.

Along with the seven main plenary sessions, we had more than 40 workshops and 30 focus gatherings led by speakers addressing topics including discipleship, sexual identity, abortion, mentoring, sexual abuse, raising children, faith and work, and more.

Speakers include Tim and Kathy Keller, Don Carson, Kathleen Nielson, Jen Wilkin, Rosaria Butterfield, and many more.

TGC 2016 Women’s Conference >>>

The Prayers of the Pastor, MacArthur on Paul’s Ephesian Prayers

To kick off the 2016 seminary season John MacArthur spoke to the students in chapel on two of Paul’s prayers that were instrumental in the shaping of MacAthur when he took the pastorate of his church almost 50 years ago. Tremedous lessons not only for pastors, but for Christians in general.

The Prayers of the Pastor >>>

Liam Goligher on Teaching Isaiah

Nancy Guthrie interviews Liam Goligher on lessons he’s learned in preaching through Isaiah, and lessons that can help teachers teach through Isaiah.  Outside of the Psalms, Isaiah is the most quoted book in the New Testament, yet our understanding of Isaiah is limited to a handful of chapters.

Goligher on Isaiah part 1 >>>

Goligher on Isaiah part 2 >>>

The Gospel According to Isaiah

It’s not often you will find a preacher who will systematically preach through one of the major prophets like the 66 chapters of Isaiah.  But Liam Goligher did just that with his congregation at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.

Isaiah is often called the fifth Gospel and, like Romans of the New Testament, it is considered to be the gem of the Old Testament. Yet it remains a book shrouded in obscurity simply because we don’t take the time and make the effort to understand it.  Give Dr. Goligher 31 sermons and he will walk you through this book, and the riches you discover will be worth the effort.

The Gospel According to Isaiah >>>