Banner of Truth Ministers Conference 2018

For a limited time, the 2018 Banner Conference is available to watch online for free. The conference this is “Ministers of Christ.” Among the speakers are Alistair Begg, Mark Johnson, David Strain, and Al Mohler.

From the website:

The Christian ministry is a many-sided calling. We are to be preachers and teachers, serving publicly and from house-to-house. We are to do the work of an evangelist. We are to be defenders of the faith and guardians of the gospel. We carry responsibility for the oversight of the church. We are to shepherd God’s flock, visit the sick, remember those in prison and be role models to all. Though many ministers are still young, they are called to be ‘elders’ , men displaying wisdom beyond their years. And this is just a fraction of what this holy vocation entails!

There is, however, one aspect of this calling that transcends and also connects all its other aspects. It is the fact that we are first and foremost ministers of Christ. He has called, equipped and commissioned us to serve him. It is to him we must ultimately answer; but it is also from him that we receive the gifts and enabling necessary for the work he assigns. He puts his treasure in clay jars and it is his pleasure to display his power through human weakness.

Being ministers of Christ is the theme of our 2018 conference. It is intended to remind those who are ministers that they have the highest of callings; but to remind them too that the Master we serve makes us equal to the task.

For a limited time only:

2018 Banner Conference >>>


Principles of Debate

Monergism has assembled a collection of links to a plethora of resources about how Christians should exercise civility and care in debates, arguments, and social media engagement. While there are no audio resources here (just a few videos), the information provided is greatly needed by the church in our connected age if we are to follow Paul’s admonition in his second letter to Timothy.

“And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth.”

2 Timothy 2:24-25

Principles of Debate >>>