Conrad Mbewe: The Gospel of John

Conrad MbeweYou cannot help but love Conrad Mbewe, who pastors a church in Zambia.  Not only does he have a strong South African accent, and a comforting preaching style, he is a good expositor of Scripture and strongly stands for God’s Word.

Heart Cry Missionary Society has a portion of Conrad’s messages series on John and Romans.  I haven’t got to listen to his Romans series yet, but I am enjoying John.  Unfortunately, all that is available is John 12:20 through John 17:18.

One memorable point was in his sermon titled “The Danger of Spiritual Self-Confidence”  where he reflected on Peter asserting to Jesus that he would follow him even to death.  Conrad suggests that to question Peter’s sincerity and to call him a hypocrite in light of his denial of Jesus that very night is to draw a superficial conclusion.  We make this same mistake in the church today.  When we hear about another believer falling into serious sin our response to that reveals our theology.  A response of condemnation and pride will believe “How could they do that? I would never fall into that.”  We must realize that we carry with us a nature that is capable of any sin.  And any sin that you just now though would be exempt, add that back to your list.  You are capable of any sin.  If you don’t believe that then you are decieving yourself.  He who stands now, take heed lest you fall.

Conrad continues this line of thought regarding our natures.  He uses the example of women who watch the soaps, or men who look at pornography.  To do so is to watch scandal and deception.  “Don’t you realize you are FEEDING a nature?”  We carry with us a nature prone to sin.  When we feed it such things it will eventually lead to exercise those sins.  Be careful what you feed to your sin nature.

This is a fabulous series that will feed your soul.

Conrad Mbewe: The Gospel of John >>>

By the way, Conrad has a very interesting blog of his work in Africa called A Letter from Kabwata.

Arturo Azurdia Goldmine

Arturo Azurdia is one formidable preacher who has a relentless precision in his preaching.  His book, Spirit-Empowered Preaching is a must-read for any preacher.

Arturo’s ministry website has been collecting his messages and organizing them in categories.  Here you will find message series on the books of Ruth, Nehemiah, Jonah, John, Ephesians, Hebrews, Revelation plus many other parts of books, topical series and conference messages.  A wealth of audio resources.

Spirit-Empowered Preaching audio site >>>

D. A. Carson on John 20:24-31

Don gave this message to Mike Bullmore’s CrossWay Community Church in November 2006.  Both Don and Mike worked together at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School many years ago.

Carson looks at Thomas’ confession of Jesus as being his Lord and his God, and Don frankly and helpfully begins to unpeel the many interpretive errors that Christian’s often make of this passage.  In fact, Don calls this one of the most misinterpreted, misunderstood verses in the New Testament.

Download John 20 audio >>>

Richard Phillips on the Book of John

After reading Tim Challies review of Richard Phillips new book ‘Jesus The Evangelist’ I hunted down the message series that the book was born from. The book covers the first 4 chapters of John, looking specifically at Jesus’ ministry of evangelism.

During the course of my listening, unfortunately, the messages rotated off of Richard’s website. The book arose out of his exposition of the book of John, and the website continues to follow his progress through the book and at this date has chapter 7 through 13.

The series is very good, and Phillips is a winsome preacher. I recommend you pay a visit to his site and catch these sermons before they too rotate off of his website.

Richard Phillips book of John page>>>