Atlantic Coast Communications

Atlantic Coast Communications is a turnkey audio/video program producer, and their ACC Radio library contains audio from some excellent teachers, broken down according to speaker and biblical book. Some of the speakers include Mark Dever, Donald Barnhouse, James Boice, Bryan Chapell, Tullian Tchividjian and many more. An excellent resource.

ACC >>>

Boice, ‘Developing a Christian Mind’ series

James Montgomery Boice, the late, great preacher, gave a series of 4 messages based on Romans 12: 1-2 at Believers Chapel in Dallas, Texas.  This is fundamental teaching that we need to hear again and again because it goes against the grain of the culture. Boice discusses how we are to battle relativism, and looks intently at how we are to think in a Christian, Biblical way. The 4 messages are:

Mind Renewal in a Mindless World
Developing a Christian Mind 1
Developing a Christian Mind 2
Your Place in History

 Developing a Christian Mind by James Montgomery Boice >>>

Pastoral Priorities: The Life and Ministry of Phil Ryken…so far.

Mark Dever of 9 Marks delivers a fantastic interview of Phil Ryken, pastor of the historic Tenth Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, infamous pulpit of the late James Montgomery Boice and Donald Grey Barnhouse.  A very rewarding recording.

Pastoral Priorities