Apologetics Debates: A List

Phillip Porvaznik has collected a very large collection of debates and discussions on Christian apologetics.  Here you will find Christian apologists such as William Lane Craig, Alister McGrath, Dinesh D’Souza, Walter Martin, and more.  They debate objectors such as Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Bart Ehrman, Frank Zindler and a host of others.

Thank you, Phil, for putting this list together.

Apologetics Debates List >>>

Be Thinking.org

If you haven’t been to bethinking.org you should drop by and look around.  bethinking.org is a tremendous resource of audio on apologetics, culture, creationism, world religions and much more.

bethinking.org is part of the UCCF Christian Unions.

bethinking.org >>>