2009 Next Conference

This year the New Attitude Conference became Next Conference.  The subject this year was Jesus Christ, and a marvelous conference it was.  Between Sinclair Ferguson and Don Carson you can’t go wrong.

One surprise speaker was Kevin DeYoung, pastor of University Reformed Church in Lansing, Michigan, and author of a number of books including Why We’re Not Emergent and Just Do Something.  DeYoung gave us a wonderful picture of Christ as life giver, looking at portraits of him dealing the demoniac, Jarius’ daugther, the unclean woman, and the storm that threatened the disciples.

Here is the list of main sessions:

Preeminence, Josh Harris
Incarnation, Don Carson
Life, Kevin DeYoung
Death, C. J. Mahaney
Resurrection, Sinclair Ferguson
Return, Sinclair Ferguson
Panel with Dever, Ferguson, Taylor, DeYoung, Mahaney & Harris

Next 2009 >>>

R.C. Sproul and James White discussion

R.C. Sproul joined James White on his webcast The Dividing Line on August 7.  They discuss the subject of God’s sovereignty and man’s free will, which is Sprouls subject for the upcoming Ligonier Conference.

They also discuss briefly how Christian’s are bombarded today with all kinds of worldly ideas and concepts that are on a crash course with Biblical thinking, and we need to be proactive in developing the mind of Christ so that we can guard against this onslaught.  One of the casualties of this worldly onslaught is the gospel itself.

White comments on the reality that 16,000 pastors leave the ministry every year is partially due to the fact that they are trying to lead a flock of unregenerate people who are not true believers, but are false professors of faith.  The pressure on pastors to ‘perform’ and gain converts is very strong, but the numbers standard isn’t the standard that pastors should strive for.  Rather the standard is what he brings before the throne of God.

Sproul suggests that many pastors are conflicted because they are forced by churches to be CEO’s and guidance counselors rather than shepherds of the Word, which is what Scripture calls them to.

This is a lively and timely discussion that covers some very important information for the church today.

Sproul & White webcast page >>>

Together for the Gospel ’08

I just returned flying home from T4G in Kentucky, and the entire conference is already online.  The panel sessions are not up yet, but I would guess those require some editing. Here is a brief overview.

Ligon Duncan gave an excellent overview of how systematic theology is used throughout Scripture, primarily responding to those who would dismiss the necessity of systematizing Scripture in favor of using Scripture only as a storyline.

Thabiti Anyabwile look at the issue of racism, and helpfully uncoupled the concept of race from ethnicity.  However, this was a very difficult and often slippery subject to deal with, and to get the full benefit you need to listen to the panel discussion that followed for certain clarifications.

MacArthur gave a clear and powerful look at the doctrine of total depravity, or ‘complete inability’ as he prefers to call it.  He not only lays out clear doctrine from Scripture, he shows how misunderstanding this doctrine dramatically impacts the clarity of the gospel message.

Mohler examined the relentless attack on substitutionary atonement and wrestled through the arguments with us, allowing us not only to see through the issues raised, but allowing us to glimpse into his incredible mind.

R. C. Sproul’s message on the Curse Motif is, as Al Mohler described it, one of Sproul’s most powerful messages that he’s ever heard.  This message was stellar.  Don’t miss this one.

John Piper was also in top form with an incredibly challenging message about how we are to endure suffering for the sake of Christ.  This will change the way you approach ministry.

C. J. Mahaney brought us back down to earth and the harsh realities of daily life and ministry and cleared the road for success in getting back to work. This was vintage C. J.

Listen to all the panel discussions.  The panels are one of the strong points of this conference, and often the panels are more engaging and challenging than the messages they preach.

Together for the Gospel audio page >>>

Al Mohler’s Messages 2006 Ligonier Fall Conference ‘Cross of Christ’

Mohler delivered two brilliant and timely messages about the crises that the church faces today.  Mohler, in typical form, often speaks as Paul wrote, using sentences that go on and on, but are filled to the brim with meaning and purpose. 

In ‘Christ Our Ransom’ Mohler gives us a comprehensive picture of the work of our Savior as God and as our great mediator.  He focuses on the necessity and logic of substitutionary atonement in the message of the cross. The glory and magnificence of Christ, our Redeemer is beautifully portrayed by Mohler.

In ‘Blessing or Curse’, Mohler looks at the big picture of God’s redeeming purpose.  He makes this very challenging statement: “We are living in a time when we find ‘attention’ a very, very rare stewardship. And we are particularly weakened and compromised in the evangelical church today because there is not adequate attention–slow, text driven, theologically enriched attention–to how we are to view the great doctrines of the faith. So, instead, what happens is, even in some of the most orthodox of our churches, what happens is you skip across texts of Scripture. And you take glancing blows across doctrines, and it’s not so much that they are mistaught, but it’s that they are misapprehended.  Because lacking context, and lacking a systematic understanding, and lacking a comprehensive attentiveness to these things, we rob God of His glory in His church by treating doctrines as disconnected realities, and texts as isolated islands of meaning, rather than pointing to the comprehensive purpose of God laid out in the comprehensive unity of Scripture.”

Al Mohler ‘Christ Our Ransom’ >>>

Al Mohler ‘Blessing or Curse’ >>>


God is the Gospel: Piper Power

At this years Resolved Conference 2007 Piper delivered a memorable and hard hitting message that needs to be heard by the church.  His goal was to exalt the cross by attacking popular level teaching that directly undermines the cross and the work of Christ.  His most particular target is the ‘health, wealth and prosperity gospel.’  You may opposed the health, wealth and prosperity gospel, but this message will give you an accute distaste for the violence it does to the gospel and integrity of Christ.  It may also reveal to you serious weaknesses in your own understanding of the fullness of the Gospel of God. Don’t miss this.

 God is the Gospel at Resolved 2007>>>