The Preacher as Prophet

Carl Trueman delivers a powerhouse of a message on the place the preacher has as a prophet who confronts people with God.  An important message for the contemporary church, which has reduced the function of preaching to that of a coach or an advisor rather than one who communicates the voice of God.

The Preacher As Prophet >>>

Don Carson on Preaching through Bible Books

Don Carson talks about how to prepare for expositional preaching through a biblical book.  Carson is an excellent craftsman to follow and learn from.  If you are a preacher or teacher this is one lecture you don’t want to miss. Carson delivered this at the 2003 Katoomba Christian Conference.

The Unashamed Workman has a very nice time-stamped overview of Carson’s 12 main points.

Preaching Through Bible Books >>>

Al Mohler’s Messages 2006 Ligonier Fall Conference ‘Cross of Christ’

Mohler delivered two brilliant and timely messages about the crises that the church faces today.  Mohler, in typical form, often speaks as Paul wrote, using sentences that go on and on, but are filled to the brim with meaning and purpose. 

In ‘Christ Our Ransom’ Mohler gives us a comprehensive picture of the work of our Savior as God and as our great mediator.  He focuses on the necessity and logic of substitutionary atonement in the message of the cross. The glory and magnificence of Christ, our Redeemer is beautifully portrayed by Mohler.

In ‘Blessing or Curse’, Mohler looks at the big picture of God’s redeeming purpose.  He makes this very challenging statement: “We are living in a time when we find ‘attention’ a very, very rare stewardship. And we are particularly weakened and compromised in the evangelical church today because there is not adequate attention–slow, text driven, theologically enriched attention–to how we are to view the great doctrines of the faith. So, instead, what happens is, even in some of the most orthodox of our churches, what happens is you skip across texts of Scripture. And you take glancing blows across doctrines, and it’s not so much that they are mistaught, but it’s that they are misapprehended.  Because lacking context, and lacking a systematic understanding, and lacking a comprehensive attentiveness to these things, we rob God of His glory in His church by treating doctrines as disconnected realities, and texts as isolated islands of meaning, rather than pointing to the comprehensive purpose of God laid out in the comprehensive unity of Scripture.”

Al Mohler ‘Christ Our Ransom’ >>>

Al Mohler ‘Blessing or Curse’ >>>


MacArthur: Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist is a Premillennialist

John MacArthur’s first message at the Shepherds’ Conference set off shock waves throughout the reformed evangelical church by upholding Premillennialism as being the only consistent position for any person who holds to the doctrine of sovereign electing grace. He even went so far as to say that the Amillennial position is more consistent with Arminianism than it is with Calvinism. Before you criticize him, or allow some blogs to sway your opinion, listen to his message before leveling or expressing judgment. There are a great deal of important issues raised for the Amill camp to consider, and they are very relevant in spite of what many bloggers are saying.

In the spirit of MacArthur’s intent, to cause the church to re-examine it’s eschatology, I will be posting links to audio messages that may be of help to the Berean believer who desires to exam these things to see if they are so.

First, listen to MacArthur’s message for yourself. MacArthur also answers questions at the very beginning of the Q&A (General Session #5). So purchase General Sessions #1 and #5.

2007 Shepherds Conference>>>

Pulpit Magazine is currently doing a series answering key objections in End Times Q&A here>>>

MacArthur also delved significantly into this topic at the 2005 Shepherd’s Conference Q&A session, General Session 10.

I have also made 2 previous posts in light of MacArthur’s message:

Arnold Fruchtenbaum on Prophecy as it Relates to Israel, the Second Coming and the Arab States

Dwight Pentecost on Premillenial Prophecy

Always Singing One Note, Piper biography of Tyndale

John Piper’s well-known biographical sketches have recieved an excellent edition on William Tyndale who spent his life translating and printing the Bible into English.  Piper discusses Erasmus’ great contribution in printing the first Greek New Testament, which prepared the way for Luther’s German Bible and Tyndales English Bible.

Tyndale’s famous quote, “I defy the Pope and all his laws. . . . If God spare my life ere many years, I will cause a boy that driveth the plow, shall know more of the Scripture than thou dost.”

Always Singing One Note–A Vernacular Bible
Why William Tyndale Lived and Died
2005 Desiring God Conference for Pastors