God, Ministry & Manhood Conference

The 2012 Desiring God Pastor’s Conference is now online. Two speakers to note, who do not get much attention, are Doug Wilson and Crawford Loritts. I will be posting more about this conference after I’ve had a chance to listen to it.

God, Ministry & Manhood >>>

Desiring God 2008 Pastor’s Conference

This years topic, ‘The Pastor as Father and Son’ seemed a bit odd, and I wasn’t sure what to expect from this conference. But I have to tell you, this was a great conference that far exceeded my lukewarm expectations. In fact, I would say it was one of the best for Desiring God.

Take one: Don Carson. Don took the heavy lifting theologically with the topic and delivered an amazing set of messages. I don’t know what to say about it, other than that if Don speaks next year on the life of crickets, I’m going to tune in. Don is quite simply amazing, and as Mark Dever recently said, Don Carson is the John Calvin of our day.

Take Two: John Piper. Here again, I have to admit that, when I heard John’s subject for his biographical message was his father Bill Piper, I was a bit disappointed. John’s intimate reflection of his father’s character and unique ministry was stirring, encouraging, rebuking, admonishing, humbling, and cheering. What a great message filled with deep insight and practical application.

Take Three: Crawford Loritts. Who? Crawford Loritts. A Call to Courage was his title, and a Call to Courageous Christian pastoral leadership it was. Crawford challenges pastors to stop being weak, unbelieving, God-editing, Bible ignorant, plagerizing, idolatrous, integrity-lacking, men pleasers. It’s time for men to put on their jock straps and be men. Crawford is pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, Georgia. This was my first time listening to Crawford, and I don’t know a lot about him, but I will be hunting down more of his sermons — so keep a look out for future posts on this preacher. We need more men in the pulpit like this man.

Take Four: Greg Livingstone, CEO of Frontiers Mission organization.  Greg brings to the table many years of missions work and missions oversight.

Desiring God 2008 Pastors Conf. page>>>