Speakers for this Year’s Puritan Reformed Conference

In preparation for the Puritan Reformed Conference to be held in August, PRTS has selected one message for each of this years coming speakers to wet our appetites, and we do have a number of very interesting speakers. Note: these are NOT messages from a previous PR Conference.  Each speaker name links to a SermonAudio page.

Joel Beeke

Albert Martin

Richard Philips

Jerry Bilkes

David Carmichael

James Grier

David Murray

Richard Phillips: The Masculine Mandate

Richard Phillips discusses his excellent new book The Masculine Mandate with the team at Christ the Center. Phillips was motivated to write this book after reading Wild at Heart, the horrid, yet popular book by John Eldredge.  Phillips observes that Eldredge got the primary text for men right, but took a wild interpretation that isn’t at all biblical.

Phillips identifies masculinity as being both working and keeping (nurturing), which emerge from the responsibilities he had in the garden of Eden.  It’s not common to consider man as a nurturer, but that is a major part of what it means to be a man.

Phillips also suggests that many men are consumed with “man idols” that appear to be masculine, but need to be put in their place because they hinder the true responsibilities of men.  He suggests many young men need to be admonished to grow up, put away their video games and begin to behave responsibility, and prepare themselves for marriage.

One of the most insightful comments was that the feminism movement in the church has largely been fueled by the movement of masculine abdication. Men have forgotten what it means to be a man in the church, and in the home, and women have responded with feminism.

This discussion is very invigorating, and at the end you will want to have this book ordered, as I did.

The Masculine Mandate >>>

Richard Phillips on the Book of John

After reading Tim Challies review of Richard Phillips new book ‘Jesus The Evangelist’ I hunted down the message series that the book was born from. The book covers the first 4 chapters of John, looking specifically at Jesus’ ministry of evangelism.

During the course of my listening, unfortunately, the messages rotated off of Richard’s website. The book arose out of his exposition of the book of John, and the website continues to follow his progress through the book and at this date has chapter 7 through 13.

The series is very good, and Phillips is a winsome preacher. I recommend you pay a visit to his site and catch these sermons before they too rotate off of his website.

Richard Phillips book of John page>>>