Justification and the Diminishing Work of Christ

On the heels of the publication of his book ‘The Future of Justification’, John Piper delivered the heart of his message to the Evangelical Theological Society, and effectively answers the objections N. T. Wright and those of the New Perspective raise. 

Justification and the Diminishing Work of Christ >>>

John Greer, An Irish Powerhouse of Preaching

I’ve recently come across this seasoned Irish preacher, John Greer.  Greer is a man who preaches the Word with power and authority in Northern Ireland.  I’ve listened to a few of his messages and they all have edified, taught and challenged.  I recommend you visit to the church website and browse the 900 plus sermons.  There is also a large selection of video of the services.

Ballymena Free Presbyterian Church sermons >>>

Equipped to Serve, with D. A. Carson

Carson’s three lectures and Q&A looks at a few passages in Paul’s pastorals to Timothy about equipping believers to serve the Gospel.  In true Carson fashion, Don brings a clear eye to some difficult subjects such as women in ministry, the emergent church, qualifications of elders, honest minstry work, among many other subjects.  This is a gem of a series.

Delivered to the Yorkshire Gospel Partnership in 2006.

2006 Equipped to Serve >>>

Marriage, Christ and Covenant: One Flesh for the Glory of God

John Piper’s series on marriage has one defining feature that few other series on marriage have:  it demonstrates the exalted glory of covenant marriage as a reflection of God himself.  And I’m not just talking about how it’s an example of Christ and the church.  He resets marriage on the high mantle of God’s glory.  This series is sweeping in scope.  A very valuable series.

Marriage, Christ and Covenant page >>>