A History of the English Puritans: J. I. Packers seminary lectures

For the past few weeks I’ve been making my way through J. I. Packers lectures on the English Puritans, and I have to tell you, it’s been a real treat.  This is one of those series you will want to go through a second time and take notes. I can’t begin to scratch the surface of all the good material.  Much here on ministry philosophy, worship, pastoral concerns.  Some very fascinating biographical material on lesser known Puritans.  A great deal on Baxter and Owen. 

Some highlights from one of the first messages that looked at many more contemporary giants who were greatly affected by the Puritans. Packer looks at sermonic structures of the Puritans and more recent contemporaies such as Lloyd-Jones.  How soon in a sermon do you begin application?  In the cases of Spurgeon and Lloyd-Jones, they started right away. Where did the 3 point sermon originate? He also talks about the contemporary loss of rhetorical prayer, where pastoral prayers were presenting arguments before God.

This series of lectures has been generously provided by Reformed Theological Seminary, which has conveniently supplied their audio through iTunes.

RTS iTunes page >>>


Richard Baxter’s ‘Reformed Pastor’ free audio book download

This is a must for pastors and elders.  For the month of May ChristianAudio.com is offering Baxter’s classic book in audio format (mp3 or wma) as a free download.  Just use the coupon code MAY2007 during checkout.  This book is very challenging, but also very rewarding.

Free download page at Christianaudio >>>

Christianaudio is a good resource, however discernment must be used in selecting resources here.  For example they have a page devoted to emergent guru Brian McLaren who challenges the clarity and authority of Scripture.