2010 Audio Roundup

Though this was far from a busy year at Faith By Hearing, we do have a number of audio recommendations that stand out as ones that you don’t want to miss.

Together for the Gospel 2010 Conference
By far the most memorable conference of the year was this year’s T4G. Mark Dever opened the conference with a powerful look at how the church put’s God’s glory on display.  R. C. Sproul took us on a theological journey with the misfits of German higher criticism and shows how contemporary Christianity is making the same mistakes today. Al Mohler explained how evangelical zeal often undermines the Gospel. MacArthur looked at the theology of sleep, a tongue and cheek look at differences between the Arminian and Calvinistic view of salvation. And then followed Ligon Duncan, C. J. Mahaney, John Piper and Thabiti Anyabwile.

The Reformation Then and Now
Michael Reeves knows church history, particularly the Reformation. This is one of the best discussions of church history that I’ve heard. Mark Dever interviews Michael on his book of the same title, which is a book that has become one of Dever’s required readings for his interns.

The Preacher as Prophet
Carl Trueman gives a powerful message about the preacher standing as God’s prophet in a day where churches reject this view of preaching and preachers.

The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards
Steve Lawson talks about his book by the same name, providing  a lot of rich exhortation about living a life of holiness.

The Atonement
Gabe Flurher discusses the contemporary attacks on the atonement with the boys at Christ the Center and brings out some highlights from his book “The Atonement”.

The New Shape of World Christianity
Mark Noll and Daryl Hart discuss how the history of Christianity in the United States has shaped modern day Christianity and show how some past mistakes have defined our understanding of our faith.  This was an interview on Christ the Center.

Sinclair Ferguson on the Pastor and his Preaching
How should a pastor think about his preaching? Sinclair Ferguson brings the wisdom of his incredible ministry to help younger preachers grapple with their call to preach the Word.

The Edinburg Expositor’s Conference
What a phenomenal offering. Along with expository instruction, Steve Lawson looks at the expository preaching of John Calvin, Iain Murray looks at Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and Craig Dyer tackles John Bunyan. Peter Grainer takes a lengthy look at Jeremiah.

Al Mohler interviews John MacArthur
Two titans discuss pastoral ministry — MacArthur’s ministry of 40 years in the same pulpit.

God’s Grace and Your Suffering
David Powlison tackles a very difficult subject: How do we handle suffering as a Christian? We will all face this question in our lives, either by facing suffering ourselves, or being in the place of ministering to some who face unthinkable suffering.

You Can’t, But You Must!
In this sermon on Matthew 26:41, Dan Phillips (of Pyromanics fame) offers an impactful challenge to Christians who think they can overcome their sin by sheer willpower.

Audio Roundup: Top Audio Picks for 2009

It’s that time again where we look back and highlight the many most memorable audio selections of the year.  We have 14 entries for 2009, which comes to over 40 mp3s.

Keller & MacArthur on the ‘prodigal son.’
Both Keller and MacArthur delivered a series of sermons on this popular parable, and these messages spawned books by both.  MacArthur’s is titled “A Tale of Two Sons.”  Keller’s is “The Prodigal God.”  Both series cut through the banal pig sty of therapeutic preaching that has clouded this amazing parable.

Al Mohler, A Look at the Shack.
Given our Christian culture’s fixation with this fictional work of post-modern, emergent Christian confusion, Mohler carefully looks at the most troubling aspects of the Shack, and provides us with a clip of author William Young denying penal substitutionary atonement. This is an important session given the continued and growing popularity of Young’s brand of false gospel which is seeing new writers publishing similar books in this same vein.

Shepherds Conference 2009
Great conference this year.  MacArthur talks about his ministry, expository preaching, and the necessity to maintain a young Earth 6 day Creation.

Paul Washer, Two Sermons.
Paul Washer gives two scathing sermons that will rattle some cages.  His Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church, and his ‘Most Shocking Sermon‘  strips away the confusion about the nature of salvation.

Gerhardus Vos, Interviews with biographer Danny Olinger.
Vos is an important figure in Christian history that we should know something about.  Both his life and theology are worthy of our attention.  Fortunately, we have two interviews with Vos biographer Danny Olinger that help us get to know Vos and the impact of his theology.

Entrusted with the Gospel Conference.
Build a conference around Paul’s first letter to Timothy, and invite Don Carson, Tim Keller, John Piper, C. J. Mahaney, Phil Ryken, Ligon Duncan and Bryan Chapell to speak.  Need I say more?

David Robertson, Interview at Christ the Center.
David Robertson is one brave pastor who wrote an open letter to Richard Dawkins exposing the flaws and shabby arguments he raised against Christianity in his bestselling book, The God Delusion.  Dawkins posted Robertson’s letter on his website and Robertson soon found himself in a lengthy debate with Dawkins minions.  Robertson used the opportunity to write a rebuttal to each of Dawkins chapters in his book.  These letters have been published in a book titled The Dawkins Letters.  Here Robertson is interviewed about his experience and conviction to use these heated opportunities to proclaim the gospel.

Al Mohler, Atheism Remix.
Mohler takes a sweeping look at the new atheist movement and provides us a great footing for understanding them and engaging their arguments.

Ligon Duncan ‘What is Theology For?’ and ‘Systematic Theology & Pastoral Ministry
At this years Twin Lakes Conference, Ligon presented two messages of vital importance that you should not miss.

The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism with G. K. Beale and Carl Truman.
The inerrancy of Scripture was argued and settled in the 20th century, but now just a few decades later the issue is erupting again in the post-modern crowd  and many segments of  evangelicalism who remain ignorant of history.

Don Carson on Preaching through Books of the Bible.
Is anything by Carson not interesting and helpful?  In this message Carson talks about craftsmanship — the preparation for expository preaching.

Resolved 2009 Conference.
Resolved covered the popular subject of sin this year. It’s launching point was John Owen’s statement “Be killing sin or sin will be killing you.”

Ken Myers, Christians & Culture.
Mark Dever interviews Ken Myers of Mars Hill audio.  Myers is a fascinating man with the unique gift of examining culture and contemporary issues from a Christian worldview.

Nashville Conference on Church and Theology
MacArthur’s messages are outstanding and timely.  He reflects on the convictions that he formed as a young pastor and traces them through his 40 years of ministry.  His messages are a good antidote to the contemporary fixation with church growth and marketing methodologies.

It would be irresponsible of me to fail to mention one particular series that is of tremendous help to the church today.  This year Wayne Grudem completed his 5 year series teaching through his splendid systematic theology.  This incredible series is now on iTunes for very easy access. I highly recommend you take the time to buy his book and go through this audio series.  If you want to build deep roots in your faith, this is a great opportunity.

Most Memorable Audio of 2008

best2008Having listened to hundreds of sermons, discussions and interviews this year, I have listed here the 12 mp3’s or mp3 series that still linger in my memory as being particularly impactful.

Gordon Fee’s 3 part series on Reading & Studying the Bible for Life is perhaps the most important series I’ve posted on FBH. Fee nails one of our generation’s most dangerous blind spots in regards to the Christian faith.

Sinclair Ferguson’s 17 part sermon series through James is an incredible journey of powerful expository preaching.

This years Together for the Gospel conference brought forth some very important messages that all Christians should consider. R. C. Sproul’s message The Curse Motif in the Atonement is perhaps one of his most powerful messages that he has ever preached. John Piper’s message looked at how suffering in ministry must be brought into it’s proper context. John MacArthur unpacked the doctrine of total depravity and helpfully redefines it as ‘total inability.’ Al Mohler gave a very thorough critique and analysis of the unrelenting attacks on substitutionary atonement.

William Mackenzie’s parenting conference addresses are particularly important as he strongly holds the standard for how important it is for us to build and nurture true faith in our children.

Derek Thomas’ message series on Ezekiel, Swimming with the Elephants, opens up a door of understanding on this misunderstood, yet very important, prophet.

Rick Holland’s Resolved 2008 message on Heaven and Hell provides a sobering reality check on life.

C. J. Mahaney’s sermon “People God Killed” is important for the soft church as it cuts through greeting card Christianity to bring us to face the Almighty God as one who is not just love, but justice and wrathful against sin.

G. K. Beale’s messages on Revelation will open your eyes to some incredible Old Testament themes that are resolved in Revelation, and will entice you to purchase his commentary on Revelation.

Ligon Duncan’s discussion ‘Patristics for Busy Pastors’ will spark a desire to learn more about the early church fathers, and will give you a solid handle on where to begin your reading.

Sinclair Ferguson is interviewed by C. J. Mahaney for almost 2 full hours, discussing Fergusons conversion, seminary studies, ministry and the current state of the church.

Don Carson takes a masterful look at the key themes of the prophet Jeremiah that provides amazing insight into the new covenant.

Finally, John Piper draws us to reflect on the amazing life and legacy of William Tyndale, and contrasts him with his bitter enemy Erasmus.

The Faith by Hearing Best MP3’s of the Second half of 2007

Going through the many sermons I listened to since August, here is a list of the most memorable. One major, noteworthy series, must be mentioned, and that is J. I. Packer’s History of the English Puritans from Reformed Theological Seminary — which is a wealth of great information and sobering admonition.

1.) Ligon Duncan

Understanding the Times mp3>>>

How to Listen to a Bad Sermon mp3>>>

2.) Voddie Baucham
The Centrality of the Home mp3 >>>

3.) John Piper
Some Sweet Blessings of Masculine Christianity >>>

4.) Rick Gamanche
A Functional Doctrine of Sin mp3>>>

5.) D. A. Carson
4 messages
2006 Equipped to Serve >>>

6.) Gordon Wenhem
Praying the Psalms mp3 >>>

7.) David Michael
John Angell James: Pursuing the Souls of the Next Generation >>>

8.) Wayne Grudem
The Doctrine of Atonement mp3 pt. 1 >>>

The Doctrine of Atonement mp3 pt. 2 >>>

9.) John Piper
Marriage: God’s Showcase of Covenant Keeping Grace >>>

The Faith by Hearing Best MP3’s of first half of 2007

The following 12 messages are ones I consider the most impactful, important messages that were delivered and posted on this blog in the first 6 months of 2007.  They are not in any specific order, other than the order in which added them to this post.  If you are overwhelmed by the amount of material posted on this site, this is a good post to start with.  I’ll try to do this more frequently so that those with less active iPods will be able to hit the highlights in a given timeframe.

John Piper
God is the Gospel
Resolved Conference 2007

Al Mohler
‘Christ Our Ransom’
Mohler gives us a comprehensive picture of the work of our Savior as God and as our great mediator.  He focuses on the logic of substitution.
2007 Ligonier Conference ‘Cross of Christ’

Al Mohler
‘Blessing or Curse’
Mohler looks at the big picture of God’s redeeming purpose.  He makes this very challenging statement: “We are living in a time when we find ‘attention’ a very, very rare stewardship. And we are particularly weakened and compromised in the evangelical church today because there is not adequate attention–slow, text driven, theologically enriched attention–to how we are to view the great doctrines of the faith. So, instead, what happens is, even in some of the most orthodox of our churches, what happens is you skip across texts of Scripture. And you take glance blows across doctrines, and it’s not so much that they are mistaught, but it’s that they are misapprehended.  Because lacking context, and lacking a systematic understanding, and lacking a comprehensive attentiveness to these things, we rob God of His glory in His church by treating doctrines as disconnected realities, and texts as isolated islands of meaning, rather than pointing to the comprehensive purpose of God laid out in the comprehensive unity of Scripture.”

Mark Dever
Discern Your Doctrine
2007 New Attitude Conference
Free mp3 at Sovereign Grace

John Piper
Holy Faith, Worthy Gospel, World Vision;
Andrew Fuller’s Broadsides against Sandemanianism, Hyper-Calvinism and Global Unbelief’
Desiring God 2007 Conference for Pastors

William Mackenzie of Christian Focus Publications
Words for the World: Rejoicing in God’s Global Use of Christian Literature
Desiring God 2007 Conference for Pastors

Arturo Azurdia
Preaching…Must the Means Match the Message?
Master’s Seminary Spring Chapel message

John MacArthur
Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist is a Pre-Millennialist
2007 Shepherds’ Conference
When I posted about this message by John MacArthur I recieved the most emails and comments, both pro and con, that I have for any other post.  Since the Shepherd’s Conference to this day, this post has recieved the most traffic.

John Piper
Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head, part 1, part 2
Bethlehem Baptist Church Sunday AM
Very important admonition for regaining Biblical manhood in the home.

John Piper
Radical Effects of the Resurrection 
Rez Week message at Texas A & M
Challenge to Christians to live lives of sacrificial service.

Mark Dever, Russ Moore, C.J Mahaney, Randy Stinson
Feminism in the Church & Home
A hard look at the deep invasion of feminism

The Faith by Hearing Best MP3’s of 2006

Steve Lawson of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church
Martin Luther’s Bondage of the Will
<direct link>

Cooperation in the Church
A 9 Marks Roundtable Discussion
Mark Dever, C. J. Mahaney, Al Mohler and Ligon Duncan
An excellent discussion of how churches should and should not cooperate in ministry.

Steve Lawson
A Long Line of Godly Men, a series
–A Long Line of Godly Men I
–A Long Line of Godly Men II
–A Long Line of Godly Men III
–A Long Line of Godly Men VI
–A Long Line of Godly Men VII
–A Long Line of Godly Men VIII
–A Long Line of Godly Men IX
–A Long Line of Godly Men X

John Piper
Always Singing One Note–A Vernacular Bible
Why William Tyndale Lived and Died
2005 Desiring God Conference for Pastors

R. C. Sproul
The Center of Christian Preaching: Justification by Faith
Together for the Gospel 2006
MP3 download from Sovereign Grace Ministries, $2.00

Mike Bullmore
Feeding on God; Cultivating a Fruitful Life in the Word
2006 New Attitude Conference ‘Humble Orthodoxy’
MP3 download from Sovereign Grace Ministries, $2.00

Michael Lawrence
Biblical Theology: Sacrifice
Captiol Hill Baptist Church

John MacArthur
40 Years of Gospel Ministry
Together for the Gospel 2006
MP3 download from Sovereign Grace Ministries, $2.00

Carl Trueman
John Owen The Man and His Times
<direct link>

John MacArthur
A Godly Ambition
Master’s Seminary 2006 Convocation message
<direct link>