John Owen on Mortification of Sin

Daniel Hyde of Oceanside United Reformed Church has given a series of lectures on John Owen’s classic work, “The Mortification of Sin.” This is an incredibly important subject if we are to pursue lives of holiness, and Owen’s work is one of the best on the subject. If you wish to buy the book, the best edition is Kapic’s titled Overcoming Sin and Temptation.

Owen on Mortification of Sin >>>

Introducing John Owen

John Owen is an unusual, larger-than-life figure of Puritan church history, and arguably one of the few towering theologians Britain has ever produced.  And who better to provide a helpful introduction to this incredible man, than Michael Reeves.

Owen was a mild mannered, wealthy academician by day, and a political conspirator by night, while producing some of the most magisterial theological works of the Puritan generation.  He had eleven children, all of whom he would bury.

As we’ve come to expect, Reeves is a wonderful teacher who knows his subject well and is able to capture your attention and paint a picture of life in past ages.  I thoroughly enjoyed this 3 part series on John Owen.

Reeves suggests the two best books to read to get introduced to Owen are Communion with the Triune God and Volume 1 of his Works by Banner of Truth, The Glory of Christ.

Introducing John Owen >>>

A Brief History of Trinitarian Thought

Carl Trueman joins the panel at Christ the Center to discuss the history of Trinitarian thought touching on the contributions of the Nicean Creed, the Chalcedonian formula, the Cappadocian Fathers, Athanasius, Augustine, Aquinas, Jonathan Edwards, Karl Barth, Van Til, and John Owen.  Trueman, who is something of an expert on Owen, spends some time looking at Owens understanding of the Trinity, particularly looking at how Owen differentiated how we commune with each member of the Trinity.  This is an important discussion as it demonstrates that the Trinity is not something for the theologians, but rather it has great impact for all believers.

A Brief History of Trinitarian Thought page >>>

A History of the English Puritans: J. I. Packers seminary lectures

For the past few weeks I’ve been making my way through J. I. Packers lectures on the English Puritans, and I have to tell you, it’s been a real treat.  This is one of those series you will want to go through a second time and take notes. I can’t begin to scratch the surface of all the good material.  Much here on ministry philosophy, worship, pastoral concerns.  Some very fascinating biographical material on lesser known Puritans.  A great deal on Baxter and Owen. 

Some highlights from one of the first messages that looked at many more contemporary giants who were greatly affected by the Puritans. Packer looks at sermonic structures of the Puritans and more recent contemporaies such as Lloyd-Jones.  How soon in a sermon do you begin application?  In the cases of Spurgeon and Lloyd-Jones, they started right away. Where did the 3 point sermon originate? He also talks about the contemporary loss of rhetorical prayer, where pastoral prayers were presenting arguments before God.

This series of lectures has been generously provided by Reformed Theological Seminary, which has conveniently supplied their audio through iTunes.

RTS iTunes page >>>


Derek Thomas on John Owen’s Pastoral Theology

Derek Thomas asserts that John Owen is the greatest of the 17th century theologians, and in my own limited experience of Owen, I would not be able to argue against it.  Owen is mighty, and Owen is difficult.  Thomas’ messages on Owen are very helpful in understanding Owen’s works, and will inspire you to read Owen.  Thomas delivered these messages recently at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

John Owen’s Pastoral Theology at Shepherd’s Scrapbook >>>

First Things Interviews Sinclair Ferguson

Ligon Duncan interviews Sinclair Ferguson and Derek Thomas.  In part 1 Ferguson describes his conversion, baptism, and shared appreciation of John Owen.  Part 2 continues looking at his first pastorate in Scotland and how he began writing.  Ferguson and Thomas also talk about their new commentary series called ‘Lets Study….’ which is aimed at the average Christian, pooling the best learning in a readable and affordable format.

First Things Interview of Sinclair Ferguson Pt. 1 >>>

First Things Interview of Sinclair Ferguson Pt. 2 >>>

John Owen, the Carl Trueman Lectures

Carl Trueman has given the church a magnificent window on this lofty Puritan John Owen.  This will give you a better grasp of this man, his life, his writings, and his theology.

  • John Owen: The Man and His Time
  • John Owen and the Practice of Theology
  • John Owen on God
  • John Owen on Christ
  • John Owen on the Holy Spirit
  • Piper’s Sought After Biographical Sketches

    John Piper has made a habit of delivering a biographical sketch of one important person in church history every year at his pastor’s conferences.  They are highlights of each years conference and are not to be missed.  In fact, these sketches are published in book form in ‘The Swan’s are Not Silent’ series, ‘Contending for our All’, ‘The Legacy of Sovereign Joy’, ‘The Hidden Smile of God’, and ‘The Roots of Endurance.’

    Piper tackles such giants as Augustine, John Owen, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, John Bunyan, Charles Simeon, Athanasias, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, J. Greshem Machen, Martin Luther, John G. Paton, David Brainerd, George Mueller, William Cowper, Adoniram Judson, Charles Spurgeon and William Tyndale.

     Men of Whom the World is Not Worthy, Pastor’s Conference biographical sketches>>>