G4 Conference 2014: The Church From a Biblical Perspective

Steve Lawson, Conrad Mbewe, Paul Washer, John Synder, Voddie Baucham, Tim Challies, Josh Buice, and David Miller joined at the 2014 G4 Conference to preach on issues of the church.

From the website:

The church was founded by Jesus Christ and serves the purpose of bringing glory, honor, and praise to God.  In our present day landscape of American evangelicalism, the church is being morphed into concert halls, entertainment stages, and country clubs.  The younger generation today is being raised without any connection or commitment to the church of Jesus Christ.  In fact, many churches are forming Saturday night services and minimizing worship opportunities in order to accommodate the pace of our American families.  The culture is trying to change the church into something modern, convenient, cheap, and non-intrusive.  In the process, doctrine has taken a backseat to pragmatics and the pulpit has been replaced with entertainment programs.  From coffee shop churches to Internet churches – there is a massive problem that must be addressed in our modern culture.  Let us not forget that while all of these modern advancements take place that are morphing the foundation of the church, hundreds of thousands of small dying churches are preparing to breathe their last breath.  The subject of the church is a vital issue that must be addressed and it must be addressed from the counsel of sacred Scriptures.

G3 Conference 2014 >>>

We Would See Jesus: 2014 Ligonier Fall Conference

Now available for free viewing online is Ligonier’s Fall Conference featuring R. C. Sproul, of course, along with Greg Beale, Derek Thomas, Steve Nichols, L. Michael Morales and R. C. Jr.

More than one pulpit has had the phrase, “Sir, we would see Jesus” posted where the preacher can see it as he proclaims the Word of God. It is a good reminder. One thing we learn from church history is that preachers must always fight the temptation to preach their opinions, current events, popular culture- anything but Christ and Him crucified. Today we are facing a dire need for the church to recapture the centrality of Christ in its preaching and life. From many pulpits people hear messages that do not emphasize the gospel, or they hear no gospel preached. This weakens the church’s witness, does not provide spiritual food to those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness, and it turns us into a people who wander about like sheep without a shepherd.

You can listen or watch it online for free, or purchase the entire conference for $12.80. Not a bad price for a good conference.

We Would See Jesus >>>

Renown Conference 2014

This past March Southern Baptist Theological Seminary held it’s youth conference called Renown.  The title for this years conference was “The Rise of Wisdom” and featured speakers Al Mohler, Dan Dewitt and Sean McDowell.

From the website:

God’s renown is more than His desire to be highly honored.  His renown requires that He be rightly and supremely honored for who He is and all He has done.  God has revealed himself to be more valuable than anything and everything else in all of creation; and that is precisely why apologetics matter.

Apologetics is the art of defending the Christian faith.  We make much of God through biblically-saturated apologetics because through this we express truth and expose error.  This art properly crafted is a life vest and a soul anchor for those ‘tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes’ (Eph. 4:14).  So, in a world where folly is exalted and wisdom is despised, Christians have an opportunity to stand firm and shine the light of truth in dark dens of lies and error. As C.S. Lewis once wrote, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”  Apologetics has at its core a desire to make God famous because God is the source of all truth and He is infinitely worthy to be praised!

Join us, March 14-15, 2014, at the Renown Conference as we seek to equip this generation’s middle and high school aged students with the arsenal of God’s word as they battle against the cosmic powers of this present darkness.

The audio and video for the sessions can be found on the media page at SBTS.

SBTS Conference Media >>>


Southern Baptist Annual Convention 2014

This years SBC Convention was held in Baltimore, Maryland and all the speakers and worship times are available on video streaming.

I would like to highlight the following sessions, and they are organized by times of day.

  • Sunday — David Platt
  • Monday Afternoon — J. D. Greer
  • Monday Evening — Francis Chan
  • Wednesday Afternoon — Al Mohler’s 10 minute address and Russell Moores address.

SBC 2014 Convention >>>

Overcoming the World: 2014 Ligonier National Conference

Speaking at this years conference are Voddie Baucham, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven Lawson, Albert Mohler, Stephen Nichols, R.C. Sproul Jr., R.C. Sproul, and Derek Thomas.  These men consider some very difficult question as it relates to our contemporary culture. How are we to confront this present world?  How do we live faithfully as godly remnant in such a world?  How should we defend the faith?  How do we stand up for and champion biblical ethics in a society that is hostile to our ethics?

From the website:

As has been true in every generation, the church today faces many challenges from the world. The intellectual and moral opposition that we face can seem overwhelming at times, which is why we need to remember that Christ has already overcome this opposition. By His life, death, and resurrection, our Savior has conquered our enemies, and by His Spirit He has granted us to share in the victory. The Lord, in His Spirit, comes alongside us to strengthen us for the battles we face. This strengthening occurs as we are grounded in His truth (John 17:17).

Ligonier is offering this years conference free for online viewing, it is also available for purchase.

Blog post of Highlights >>>

Overcoming the World >>>

Magnify Conference with Alistair Begg

Kevin DeYoung’s University Reformed Church hosted the Magnify Conference this past April 5th and 6th which featured Alistair Begg as keynote speaker.  The title of this years conference was “Made For His Pleasure: The Priority of God in a World of Self.”

There is only video available for this conference, from what I can find.

Magnify Conference 2014 >>>


2014 Desiring God Pastor’s Conference

Sinclair Ferguson, Michael Horton, and Paul Tripp join Jaren Wilson, Sam Crabtree and John Piper to give the keynote addresses for this years Desiring God Pastor’s Conference titled “The Pastor, the Vine and the Branches: The Remarkable Reality of Union With Christ.”

Get the audio here:

2014 DG Pastor’s Conf. >>>