The Sanctity of Human Life: Matt Chandler

You may have seen the excerpt from a great sermon Matt Chandler gave on abortion.  It’s “gone viral” on social media, and while the excerpt is very good, the parts that come before and after are just as good, including a gracious application of the gospel for those who have encouraged or had an abortion.  Here’s the clip, and at bottom of post is a link to the full sermon.

Matt raises a siege of good argumentation, and undermines the most common pro-choice arguments and mantra’s such as “A woman’s right to choose” and the ever present smokescreen, “What about [enter rare, tragic situation]?” Matt rightly calls abortion “murder for convenience.”

As horrific a statement that is, Matt draws our attention to God’s grace in the gospel.

There is no sin with more power than the cross of Jesus Christ, not even the one we’re talking about today. If this had more power than the cross, we wouldn’t be talking about it. If this got to define you, we wouldn’t be talking about it. This doesn’t define you because Christ’s forgiveness will define you.

Matt situates us in history with this:

Okay, so let me do this. I don’t know if it’s going to happen, but it seems like because science is so on our side on this, it will only be a matter of time until Roe v. Wade has to be overturned. With that said, God has almost always accomplished social change through the outcry of his people who are against the world for the sake of the world. I think there are these defining moments of history that, as we look back on history, we kind of wish we could have been there. We wish we would have fought alongside, right?

Matt outlines 4 things we must now do to see Roe vs. Wade overturned.

  1. Repent of our indifference.  “Abortion ends a life, so what do you want me to do about it?”  That’s our indifference in action.
  2. Pray because this is no longer a rational issue, it’s a spiritual one.  The science is clear that a human life is destroyed through abortion, but our opponents now turn a deaf ear to that. They don’t care.
  3. This issue should inform how we vote. Does that make us a single-issue voter? 54 million abortions since 1974 should make this an issue to single out.
  4. Get involved. Matt provides concrete ways we can work for the sanctity of life.

The Sanctity of Human Life >>>

We Will Not Bow: John MacArthur

MacArthur’s sermon from this past Sunday was a look at the continued moral deterioration of the United States fueled by the Supreme Court. In this message he talks about his perception of the nation’s situation before God and then directs his attention to 2 Thessalonians 1. In his introduction he said this:

The two greatest attacks of terror on America were perpetrated by the Supreme Court. Not by any Muslim, but by the Supreme Court of the United States. The first one was the legalizing of abortion. Subsequent to that, there have been millions of babies slaughtered in the wombs of their mothers. It’s incalculable to even comprehend that. The blood of those lives cries out from the ground for divine vengeance on this nation.

The second great act of terror perpetrated by the Supreme Court was the legalization of same-sex marriage. The destruction of human life in the womb—in a sense, the destruction of motherhood—and now the destruction of the family itself. No bomb, no explosion, no attack, and no assault on people physically can come anywhere near that kind of terrorism. Our country is being terrorized by the people most responsible to protect it—those who are to uphold the law.

Just a few comments beyond that. No human court has the authority to redefine morality. But this human court has said murder is not murder; and marriage is not marriage; and family is not family. They have usurped the authority that belongs only to God, who is the creator of life, marriage, and family.

We Will Not Bow >>>

Particular Redemption and The New Perspective with John Piper

Mark Dever at 9 Marks has brought in John Piper and Bruce Ware for some enlightening discussions.

John Piper and Bruce Ware discuss the fine points of limited atonement which is better termed ‘particular redemption’.  Piper also relates his differences with N.T. Wright and the New Perspective on Paul which challenges the historical understanding of the doctrine of Justification by Faith.

Piper also relates a little bit about Bethlehem Baptist Church’s Bethlehem Institute.  He also discusses why he doesn’t like the new term ‘missional’, and relates how the church should affect the culture, including a thoughtful discussion on abortion.

Particular Redemption, The New Perspective and More with John Piper (and Bruce Ware)>>>