Dick Lucas Archive at TGC

For more than a decade I’ve been downloading and listening to hundreds of sermons each year. I’ve been able to sit under the teaching of men I would have never known about, much less have access to their past sermons had it not been for the Internet. While I have a massive list of favorite preachers there are a handful of men I routinely turn to again and again.  At the top of my list is Dick Lucas, retired pastor of St. Helen’s Bishopsgate in London, and while he’s in his 90’s (I believe) he still preaches on occasion.

Dick Lucas is one of those preachers whose sermons are clear, engaging and uncommonly weighty. Most of his sermons are less than 30 minutes in duration as he often preached during the lunch hour on weekdays.

The Gospel Coalition has a massive archive of Dick Lucas’ sermons.  You can also find sermons and videos of Lucas at the St. Helen’s website.

TGC Dick Lucas Archive >>>