John V. Fesko on Revelation

In January I started taking my teen Sunday School class through Revelation, and last month started taking my adult Bible Study through it.  The only way I’ve been able to manage has been to listen to good audio messages during my commute to turn over the  fallow ground of my mind so that my study time has a head start.  I selected preachers who have a variety of viewpoints. The next few posts will provide links to the most helpful preachers of Revelation that I’ve been able to find on the Internet.

John V. Fesko is amil, and preached through Revelation in 21 messages. John is very concise, carefully thought out, and widely read.

Revelation >>>

Hitchens debates Hitchens

British correspondent Peter Hitchens public debates his brother Christopher Hitchens in the United States.

Peter talks about the hostility toward religion he witnessed in the dying of the Soviet Union, and equates what the new atheists are doing in a new and reforged manner.

If you drive God out of the world, then you create a howling wilderness.

And a very accurate observation about our Western society:

This country ceased to be truly Christian in terms of people genuinely, consciously, and in an educated way believing the Christian faith after the first world war.  People continue to behave as if they were Christians.  And society continues to function as if it’s a Christian society for some time after it was gone. We’ve been living the past 40 or 50 years in the afterglow of Christianity.  But eventually the darkness falls.

The audio IS NOT a recording of the debate.  It is a oral summation given by Andy Kaiser. However there are links to 14 YouTube videos of the debate.

Hitchens vs. Hitchens >>>

2010 Shepherd’s Conference

The Shepherd’s Conference is one of those conferences that seldom disappoints, if ever.  While this years conference didn’t have the “bang” of previous years, it was nonetheless edifying and challenging, with the old standbys in the pulpit: MacArthur, Johnson, Holland and Lawson.

2010 Shepherd’s Conference >>>

The Tyranny of Time & Blogs

For you observant types, you’ve noticed that the posts on Faith By Hearing have been few and far between of late. Hopefully this will simply be a temporary situation.

My work load has increased dramatically over the past few months, and unfortunately it has coincided with a debilitating health condition that my wife is experiencing.  She is slowly improving and we believe she will be back to normal by the end of summer.  But until then I’m doing double and triple duty with very little time for anything extraneous.

I have been listening to quite a few MP3’s, but haven’t posted anything about them hoping I would have time to talk a little bit about them. But alas, it’s not to be, and time marches on.  So over the next few weeks and months I will post links to good audio, but will have very little to say about them.
