Edmund Clowney: Herald of the King

Heralds of the King: Christ-Centered Sermons in the Tradition of Edmund P. ClowneyEdmund Clowney’s legacy of preaching is being collected and preserved by the Edmund P. Clowney Legacy Corporation.  Currently they have a remarkable collection of 95 messages.

What spawned this post is a new book forthcoming called ‘Heralds of the King: Christ-centered Sermons in the Tradition of Edmund P. Clowney’ which is a collect of sermons from many preachers and theologians whose lives and ministries were shaped by Clowney. Some of the contributors include Tim Keller, Dennis Johnson, Art Azurdia, Iain Duquid, Harvie Conn, plus others.

From the introduction I learned about the Legacy Corporation’s collection of audio sermons by Ed.  From the preface:

…we are eager to share with you the burning passion to preach Christ from all of Scripture, which we “caught” from Ed.  As you will see, this infectious eagerness to attune our ears to hear the Holy Spirit’s witness to the Son in every text of the Bible, from every era of redemptive history, was something that we contracted not only from Ed the homiletician or Ed the exegete and biblical theologian, but also from Ed the sinner saved by divine grace, who himself stood amazed and humbled at the mercy shown him at Christ’s cross.

Edmund Clowney is without a doubt a first rate Herald of the King.  The audio collection of the E.P.C. Legacy Corporation is hosted at Sermon Audio.  This is a treasure.

Edmund Clowney at Sermon Audio >>>

Keller & Clowney: Preaching Christ in a Post Modern World

Tim Keller and Edmund Clowney together taught a class called ‘Preaching Christ in a Post Modern World’, and is now on iTunes as part of Reformed Theological Seminary Worldwide.  This is going to keep me busy for some time. You can download the entire course, including Q&A sessions, a total of 35 audio files.

Preaching Christ in a Post Modern World on iTunes >>>

You can find the handouts for this course on Google Docs (thanks Mark), or on Scribd.

Wanted: Ed Clowney Audio

Edmund Clowney’s daughter, Rebecca Jones, is gathering all of her father’s audio sermons and lectures, and is requesting anyone who has audio files of Edmund Clowney to contact her at: perejones@sbcglobal.net.

We do have the the resources at Sermon Audio, Westminster Theological Seminary, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Christ the King Church, Westminster Seminary CA, and Reformed Theological Seminary.

Faith by Hearing will keep you posted as this material is collected and made available.