Al Mohler, Mahaney & Dever discuss the Centrality of Church

Al Mohler brings C. J. Mahaney and Mark Dever into his radio studio for a healthy discussion about the Centrality of the Church in the Christian Life.  Dever makes the blunt claim that Christians have navigated away from the importance of the local church because we want to be like the world, and we fear man rather than fearing God.

Mohler’s program begins with the issue of same sex marriage, and at about 14 minutes into the program he brings Mahaney and Dever in for the discussion on the church.

Centrality of the Church in the Christian Life>>>

The New Perspective to Biblical Justification, with John Piper & Ligon Duncan

What was the heart of Paul’s ministry and message?   This question is the basis for Al Mohler’s radio program, where he is joined by John Piper and Ligon Duncan.  They also discuss preaching, imputation and Rhonda Burns popular book ‘The Secret’.

Al Mohler Program ‘The New Perspective to Biblical Justification >>>

Piper: Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head

Piper has tackled a very important issue for men and women, and that is to call men to step up to the plate and return to true Biblical manhood in their families.  He also gives some very helpful admonition to wives.  I highly recommend these two messages to men and women alike.

Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head_Part 1>>>
Lionhearted & Lamblike: The Christian Husband as Head_Part 2>>>


Collections: J. Ligon Duncan

J. Ligon Duncan is the pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Mississippi.  He has been very active with 9 Marks Ministries and many conferences including Together for the Gospel.  He is one of the most capable expositional preachers today and you will gain a great deal by listening to his preaching.

9 Marks made a wonderful interview with Ligon called Ministry with Ligon Duncan>>>

 Ligon Duncan at First Presbyterian Church>>>

Master’s Seminary 2007 Faculty Lecture Series: New Covenant Theology

The faculty of the Master’s Seminary has posted the Spring lecture series.  This years subject is New Covenant Theology, which is basically a reformed Baptist movement that rejects the covenant understanding of the Westminster Confession of Faith.  It’s a relatively small, yet growing, movement that is primarly propagated by the internet.  I suggest you listen to Dennis Swanson’s introduction to New Covenant Theology before you download the rest of the messages for listening.  The entire series is good, as are all of the Master’s Seminary Faculty Lectures, but this series is not something that is going to engage everyone simply because the movement is very small.

2007 Spring Lecture Series ‘New Covenant Theology’>>>

Patience is required when downloading audio from the TMS website. 

Heresies in the Church, Michael Phillips

Michael Phillips, the pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Fremont, California, taught his congregation once a month on a specific doctrinal heresy from church history.  This kind of teaching is valuable in that it helps to sharpen our minds in exercising doctrinal discernment.  We gain great benefits by looking back on how the church handled the heresy.

 Some of the heresies he’s been looking at include Gnosticism, Judaism, Arianism, Pelagianism, the Iconoclast controversy, Transubstantiation, Liberalism, Neo-Orthodoxy, and Open Theism.

Heresies in the Church>>>

Cornelis Venema on the New Perspective on Paul has a large selection of MP3 links to many of Cornelis Venema’s lectures on the error of what has been called the ‘New Perspective on Paul’.  Venema has fought against this movement quite aggressively and he has even narrowed some of his studies to exam the contributions of individual proponents of the NPP, such as N. T. Wright, E. P. Sanders and James Dunn.

 Cornelis Venema on the NPP at>>>