A Narrated Bibliography with David Powlison

C. J. Mahaney talks with David Powlison about his books.  Powlison is a teacher and counselor at the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation, is the editor of the Journal of Biblical Counseling, and is contributing  a very significant body of literature to help Christians deal biblically with the stuff of life’s trenches.  He has written two books, Seeing with New Eyes and Speaking Truth in Love.

David sees the secular culture having taken counseling and the direct dealing of life’s issues out of the churches hands.  His purpose is to bring biblical answers to life’s trials and difficulties, and to give tools the church to help Christian’s think biblically when it comes to counseling.

This is a very helpful interview, and will give you a biblical perspective of this subject that is so loaded with dangers and misuse.

Justin Taylor at Between Two Worlds has a helpful post and bibliography of articles by Powlison.

A Narrated Bibliography >>>

Mars Hill Audio: On Author Philip Pullman

Philip Pullman is an author of juvenile literature that is designed to undermine Christian faith.  The movie The Golden Compass was based on Pullman’s book by the same title.

Ken Myers of Mars Hill Audio invites literary critic Alan Jacobs  to talk about Pullman’s books, his undermining of Christianity, and how he goes about it.  Jacobs walks through numerous examples of how Pullman’s anti-Christian philosophy plays out in his stories.

Mars Hill Audio: Philip Pullman >>>