Sinclair Ferguson on John Flavel

Sinclair Ferguson examines the life and preaching ministry of John Flavel. Flavel was a non-conformist preacher in the 17th century who was exiled from Dartmouth during the Great Ejection. He, along with many others, was not allowed to preach within five miles of any major population center. Consequently, he was devoted to ministering to a single flock in an out-of-the-way place in the south of England.

Flavel epitomized the Puritan style of preaching, which was characterized by three dimensions.

  1. The ministry of the gospel is a ministry of the Word of God
  2. The ministry of the Word of God is a ministry to this particular world.
  3. The ministry of the Word of God to this particular world by this particular worker.

This last dimension is something that is not well understood in our contemporary day, as sermons are reduced to mere facts and figures independent of personality. This didn’t sidestep the importance of carefully preaching the text. The Puritan sermon was a carefully wrought piece of work that began with a clear introduction to the text, an analysis of the key points of the text, an exposition of the truths enshrined in the text, and a clear explanation of how the particular truths arise from the text, and sensitivity in the handling of any difficulties. All of this would be done using plain speech and manifest love for the congregation.

Flavel was a remarkable illustration of this.

In fact, Flavel’s preaching and writing was very popular. A number of his books have remained in print and are available today.

Keeping the Heart, which expounded on the principles of Proverbs.

Divine Conduct; or The Mystery of Providence

Ferguson on John Flavel >>>

Foxe’s Book of Martyrs

Free Audiobook of the MonthChristian Audio’s free audio book for the month of November 2018 is Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.

From the website:

Beginning with the story of Stephen from the book of Acts, considered the first Christian martyr, the drama builds to the passion of the early Church’s persecution under the Roman Empire. As the story continues, it places a significant emphasis on the sufferings of the early Protestants during the Reformation and continues with the stories of the French Protestants during and after the French Revolution.

Foxe’s Book of Martyrs >>>