J. C. Ryle & Masculine Ministry [Theology Thursday]

Our selected video for this week is John Piper’s biographical sketch for the 2012 Desiring God Pastor’s Conference which looked at the Bishop of Liverpool, J. C. Ryle.

Ryle was a very powerful preacher who didn’t pedal softly around the weaknesses he saw in the church.

Here is a lengthy quote by Ryle to whet your appetite, abbreviated by John Piper:

is an epidemic which is just now doing great harm, and especially among young people. . . . It produces what I must venture to call . . . a “jelly-fish” Christianity . . . a Christianity without bone, or muscle, or power. . . . Alas! It is a type of much of the religion of this day, of which the leading principle is, “no dogma, no distinct tenets, no positive doctrine.”

We have hundreds of “jellyfish” clergyman, who seem not to have a single bone in their body of divinity. They have no definite opinions . . . they are so afraid of “extreme views” that they have no views of all.

We have thousands of “jellyfish” sermons preached every year, sermons without an edge, or a point, or corner, smooth as billiard balls, awakening no sinner, and edifying no saint. . . .

And worst of all, we have myriads of “jellyfish” worshipers—respectable Church-gone people, who have no distinct and definite views about any point in theology. They cannot discern things that differ, any more than colorblind people can distinguish colors. . . . They are “tossed to and fro, like children, by every wind of doctrine”; . . . ever ready for new things, because they have no firm grasp on the old.

J. C. Ryle & Masculine Ministry >>>

Developing Godly Leadership

Biblical Training.org has just announced a new course at their phenomenal ministry called Developing Godly Leadership which is taught by Dr. John Johnson.

Bill Mounce introduces the class:

We are especially glad to be able to announce a new class at BiblicalTraining.org, Developing Godly Leaders, by Dr. John Johnson. We have been looking for a long time to find a professor trained in practical ministry who has academic and church experience in the area of leadership.

Dr. Johnson is a professor at Western Seminary, and we are thankful to Western for the gift of this class. He is also the Lead Pastor at Village Baptist Church where he has served for 18 years.

I once, rather jokingly, suggested a book title to Zondervan Publishers: “Why Save the Lost When You can Fight with the Saved?” The sad part of the story is that they were open to the publishing project. Almost everywhere I go, I hear stories of Christians devouring one another. Alexander Strauch has even written a new book, If You Bite & Devour One Another.

Unfortunately, while many pastors are well prepared in exegetical and theological matters, the question of how to identify, raise up, encourage and train the leadership in a church is often not part of their skill set and so often contributes to the devastating statistics we hear.

Here is the course description from the website:

This is a core leadership course designed for those who intend to be future leaders in ministry.  This course will move from definitions to the core values of a leader; how to take a ministry through a vision process; engage in strategic planning, decision-making, and implementation; build great teams; work through conflict and change; delegate tasks; and effectively mentor the next generation of leaders.  Models from the corporate, political, and military worlds will be compared and contrasted with biblical definitions and illustrations of leadership.

Biblical Training is a wonderful ministry resource that gathers top notch seminary level teachers and provides these great teachers to us via the Internet.

Developing Godly Leadership >>>

Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology Series

Monergism has just uploaded all 117 classes from Wayne Grudem’s famous  lecture series covering his excellent Systematic Theology book. This should keep these lectures as a stable link for years to come.  In the past they have been moved from place to place killing all of my links.  Thanks to Monergism for hosting these lectures. By the way, the lectures are also available via iTunes.

Thursday Theology Night: Spurgeon Documentary

I have started a new routine with my family: Thursday Theology night. Since I have my new Logitech Prevue I was anxious to see how streaming Internet video looks on my large screen TV. My first go was with a video from the recent Desiring God pastor’s conference. The image and sound quality was far better than I expected. Now, in my home, we’ve slated Thursday nights for watching a good video that will be edifying for the whole family.

These Thursday Theology Nights will be (hopefully) a new feature at Faith by Hearing.

The video for tonight is an hour long documentary on Charles Spurgeon titled, C. H. Spurgeon, The People’s Preacher.

Character and Attributes of God: Sinclair Ferguson

Sinclair Ferguson. The Character and Attributes of God. Ten messages. Need I say more?

Character and Attributes of God Part 1 (Romans 1:20-21)
Character and Attributes of God Part 2 (Genesis 18:16-17)
Character and Attributes of God Part 3 (Deuteronomy 24:13-14)
Character and Attributes of God Part 4 (Isaiah 14:24-27)
Deity of Christ: Old Testament Revelation of Trinity Part 1 (Matthew 28:18-20)
Deity of Christ: Old Testament Revelation of Trinity Part 2 (1 Corinthians 2:10-11)
Divine Decrees; Divine Providence Part 1 (Romans 9:19-20)
Divine Decrees; Divine Providence Part 2 (Colossians 1:15-17)
Old Testament Revelation of the Trinity Part 1 (Exodus 6:6-7)
Old Testament Revelation of the Trinity Part 2 (John 14:21-23)

Character and Attributes of God >>>

Piper & Wilson: A 2 Hour Conversation (video)

John Piper and Douglas Wilson sat down together and videotaped a 2 hour conversation where they discussed their differences and similarities. These are 2 men who I have a great deal of admiration for.  Neither of these men set out to become celebrities in Evangelical Christendom, but became such through their efforts in their churches, and following in their wake are a multiplicity of significant and lasting ministry efforts.

Piper & Wilson: The Conversation (video) >>>