James Dennison Lectures on Hebrews

Twenty-five lectures on the letter to the Hebrews by James Dennison is available at Monergism. James Dennison is the Professor of Church History and Biblical Theology at Northwest Theological Seminary in Washington State. Monergism calls this series “outstanding”.

Lectures on Hebrews >>>

Don Carson: How the Book of Hebrews uses the Old Testament

Union University recently hosted The Word Within the Word Conference, and Don Carson was the plenary speaker, giving 3 messages.  There are a great many messages by other speakers that have very interesting topics, yet I would like to highlight Don’s marvelous contribution.  Don incredibly helps us to see how our entire Bible is threaded together by these critical passages that consider the superiority of Christ, and the priesthood of Christ.  As Don says, these passages deal with things we Western Christians are completely incoherent about.

Psalm 2:7 & Samuel 7:14 in Hebrews 1

Psalm 95 in Hebrews 3 & 4

Genesis 14 & Psalm 110 in Hebrews 7

Carson tackled similar subject matter last year in a series of messages entitled ‘Why Does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That?’ However, in those messages Carson focused on 4 verses in Hebrews 1 and two verses in Hebrews 5.  While there is a bit of crossover, this series is more sweeping in scope, and builds upon the previous series, even though Don may not have intended that.  Highly recommended.

Word Within the Word Conference >>>

Arturo Azurdia Goldmine

Arturo Azurdia is one formidable preacher who has a relentless precision in his preaching.  His book, Spirit-Empowered Preaching is a must-read for any preacher.

Arturo’s ministry website has been collecting his messages and organizing them in categories.  Here you will find message series on the books of Ruth, Nehemiah, Jonah, John, Ephesians, Hebrews, Revelation plus many other parts of books, topical series and conference messages.  A wealth of audio resources.

Spirit-Empowered Preaching audio site >>>

Why Does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That? Don Carson

Don Carson looks at some difficult passages in Hebrews and does a wonderful job sifting through the challenges that these texts present to us. 

Hebrews 1:5,6
Hebrews 1:8,9
Hebrews 5:5,6

The last message on Hebrews 5, the priesthood of Melchizedek, is particularly enlightening as it provides a framework for understanding the Levitical law as compared to the freedom from the law that was brought by Christ as the ultimate and final priesthood.

These three lectures were delivered for the J. B. Gay Lectures at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2005.

Hard Texts: Why does Hebrews Cite the Old Testament Like That? page >>>