Eric Alexander on 1 & 2 Timothy

Monergism has posted Eric Alexander’s series of expositions on 1 & 2 Timothy.

Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that Scripture is literally “breathed out by God.” If that is so (and it is), then our primary concern will be to find out what God is saying to us, and the church’s primary responsibility will be to teach and preach the Bible.

Eric Alexander’s Timothy series >>>

Father Hunger: Doug Wilson

Father Hunger : Why God Calls Men to Love and Lead Their Families, Douglas WilsonDoug Wilson’s latest book ‘Father Hunger‘ has recently been released. Posted on the Father Hunger website are 7 sermons that cover the basis of the book. Wilson is not only an excellent expositor of Scripture, he is a great teacher who has a gift in writing.

Richard Phillips says of the book:

“Wilson sounds a clarion call among Christian men that is pointedly biblical, urgently relevant, humorously accessible, and practically wise”

Father Hunger audio >>>

Prophecy in the Church Today [Thursday Theology Video]

This video is now almost a couple of years old, but a repost is worthwhile. It is from the 2010 EMA and is a discussion on prophecy in the local church between Ian Hamilton (Cambridge Presbyterian Church) and Wayne Grudem (Phoenix Seminary, Arizona). Not only is the topic worthy of some discussion, but I think the whole thing is conducted in a strong positive spirit; which is just how it should be.

Prophecy in the Church >>>

Resolving Everyday Conflict: Free Audio Book

Resolving Everyday ConflictChristian Audio’s free audio book download for the month of May is Ken Sande’s Resolving Everyday Conflict (you can find the hard copy here.)

From the back cover:

Everyone encounters conflict–whether it be with a co-worker, family member, friend, or complete stranger. And yet we all desire harmony in our relationships. Resolving Everyday Conflict is a practical, biblical, and concise guide to peacemaking in everyday life that can turn your troubled relationships into peaceful ones.

With the proven advice found in this book, authors Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson show you how to achieve not only a cease-fire but also unity and harmony. Their biblical guidance will take you beyond resolving conflicts to true, life-changing reconciliation with family, co-workers, and fellow believers.

Resolving Everyday Conflict >>>