Shepherd’s Conference 2018 media

The 2018 Shepherd’s Conference media is now available at the Shepherd’s Conference page. The title of this years conference was “I Will Build My Church.” John MacArthur was joined by Al Mohler, Austin Duncan, HB Charles, Mark Dever, Steve Lawson, Arturo Azirdia and Ligon Duncan.

2018 Shepherd’s Conference media >>>

Arturo Azurdia and the Doctrines of Grace

Have you ever been confused by what the fuss is all about regarding the five points of Calvinism, which is also known as the Doctrines of Grace?  If so, I recommend Arturo Azurdia’s Wednesday chapel series entitled “So Great a Salvation.”

“So Great a Salvation” is a series of five messages, each covering one of the five points of Calvinism, and then concludes with a Q& A. This is one of the best and most level-headed treatments of the subject I’ve ever listened to. I really appreciated Azurdia’s new labels for each of the five points, making these doctrines much more accessible and clear.  And for one who once struggled to understand “limited atonement” I found Azurdia’s treatment of “Intentional Atonement” to be a masterful message.

1. The Human Dilemma

2. God’s Sovereign Choosing

3. The Intentional Atonement of Jesus Christ

4. The Grace that Overcomes

5. Perseverence and Preservation

Even if you’re not interested in “Calvinism” as an “-ism”, you will find this series helpful and enjoyable because “Calvinism” is about the distinguishing marks of God’s plan of Salvation.

So Great a Salvation >>>

Azurdia: Series on Revelation

Arturo Azurdia preached through the book of Revelation in 81 sermons.  Azurdia’s messages are very insightful and engaging.  He attempts to preach through Revelation expositionally with the intention of seeing the eschatological perspective emerge from the text.  Though Azurdia does arrive at an amillenial perspective, and gives a great deal of weight to the apocalyptic literary genre of the 1st century as faithful guide to correct interpretation.  As such, he views Revelation as a series of perspectives that explain the same thing, elevating symbolism over literalism.

Revelation series >>>

God, the Gospel and Your Marriage: Art Azurdia

At Grace & Truth Bible Church’s 2009 Couples Conference, Art Azurdia gave 3 stirring messages on marriage.  If you’ve not heard Art speak on marriage before, don’t miss these.  Art takes a hard look at what commonly passes for marriage instruction and shows how much of it actually undermines our marriages rather than builds it up.

God, the Gospel & Your Marriage >>>

Arturo Azurdia Goldmine

Arturo Azurdia is one formidable preacher who has a relentless precision in his preaching.  His book, Spirit-Empowered Preaching is a must-read for any preacher.

Arturo’s ministry website has been collecting his messages and organizing them in categories.  Here you will find message series on the books of Ruth, Nehemiah, Jonah, John, Ephesians, Hebrews, Revelation plus many other parts of books, topical series and conference messages.  A wealth of audio resources.

Spirit-Empowered Preaching audio site >>>

Arturo Azurdia & Monergistic Regeneration

What is ‘monergistic’ regeneration?  If you don’t know, you should listen to these two messages. Dr. Arturo Azurdia III delivered these two phenomenal messages at the Reformation Society of Oregon a few weeks ago.  Azurdia looks broadly, and also in sharp detail, at regeneration, the call, and salvation. 

Azurdia highly recommended two books by Anthony Hoekema, ‘Saved by Grace’ and ‘The Bible and the Future.’  He also recommended Iain Murray’s book ‘Revival and Revivalism’ which is a great read and provides a clear panorama of recent church history which defines us today.

Monergistic Regeneration mp3 pt. 1>>>

Monergistic Regeneration mp3 pt. 2>>>

Preaching…Must the Means Match the Message, with Arturo Azurdia

Arturo Azurdia gave an incredible message at the Master’s Seminary Chapel about the primacy of preaching in both content and method.  This is a very relevant message given the silly methods employed by a great many churches today.  As John Flavel said, we must preach a crucified Christ with a crucified method.

Preaching, with Arturo Azurdia>>>