Azurdia: Series on Revelation

Arturo Azurdia preached through the book of Revelation in 81 sermons.  Azurdia’s messages are very insightful and engaging.  He attempts to preach through Revelation expositionally with the intention of seeing the eschatological perspective emerge from the text.  Though Azurdia does arrive at an amillenial perspective, and gives a great deal of weight to the apocalyptic literary genre of the 1st century as faithful guide to correct interpretation.  As such, he views Revelation as a series of perspectives that explain the same thing, elevating symbolism over literalism.

Revelation series >>>

One thought on “Azurdia: Series on Revelation

  1. I listened to this entire series and strongly recommend it. It made the Revelation not only broadly understandable to me, but more importantly exceedingly encouraging and practical. It has become a book I am passionate to understand deeper. Art’s burden is both to make the Revelation understandable, but also applicable to all believers in all times. He succeeds admirably.

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