2014 Desiring God Pastor’s Conference

Sinclair Ferguson, Michael Horton, and Paul Tripp join Jaren Wilson, Sam Crabtree and John Piper to give the keynote addresses for this years Desiring God Pastor’s Conference titled “The Pastor, the Vine and the Branches: The Remarkable Reality of Union With Christ.”

Get the audio here:

2014 DG Pastor’s Conf. >>>

Union with Christ: Robert Letham


What does it mean for us as Christians to be united to Christ?  Do we lose our personality in this union?  Do we experience union on some mystical plane? We often let this subject hang in the realm of the esoteric, when it should be something that causes us joy and wonder.  Robert Letham has recently published a highly acclaimed book Union with Christ with P&R Publishing. I wanted to see if Robert had a message series on this subject and I happened to find a 2009 sermon series by Letham on the same subject.

Union with Christ part 1

Union with Christ part 2

Union with Christ part 3

Union with Christ part 4

Union with Christ part 5

Union with Christ part 6

The Gospel and Sanctification

Richard Gaffin, Professor at Westminster Theological Seminary, joined the panel at Christ the Center to discuss the relationship of the gospel with sanctification, and how sanctification relates to justification.  This was a very interesting and helpful discussion.

Gaffin challenged the prevalent idea that once justified, our sanctification is simply to perform the law out of gratitude to God.  Gaffin clearly outlines how our sanctification is dependant upon Christ, and not merely a response of gratitude, but an actual working of the Spirit of God in our lives to perform good works as we are God’s workmanship, and not the other way around.

The Gospel and Sanctification page >>>