Expositors Conference 2011

This years Expositors Conference was titled “The Preeminence of Christ in Preaching”, and featured Steve Lawson and Al Mohler as speakers. The conference was held in October at Lawson’s church in Mobile, Alabama.

Lawson delivered two 3-part messages:  The Preeminence of Christ in Preaching, and The Good Shepherd and His Sheep.

Mohler gave three messages: The God Who Speaks, The God Who Shakes, and the God Who Saves.

Expositors Conference 2011 >>>

Apologetics Debates: A List

Phillip Porvaznik has collected a very large collection of debates and discussions on Christian apologetics.  Here you will find Christian apologists such as William Lane Craig, Alister McGrath, Dinesh D’Souza, Walter Martin, and more.  They debate objectors such as Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Bart Ehrman, Frank Zindler and a host of others.

Thank you, Phil, for putting this list together.

Apologetics Debates List >>>

Arturo Azurdia and the Doctrines of Grace

Have you ever been confused by what the fuss is all about regarding the five points of Calvinism, which is also known as the Doctrines of Grace?  If so, I recommend Arturo Azurdia’s Wednesday chapel series entitled “So Great a Salvation.”

“So Great a Salvation” is a series of five messages, each covering one of the five points of Calvinism, and then concludes with a Q& A. This is one of the best and most level-headed treatments of the subject I’ve ever listened to. I really appreciated Azurdia’s new labels for each of the five points, making these doctrines much more accessible and clear.  And for one who once struggled to understand “limited atonement” I found Azurdia’s treatment of “Intentional Atonement” to be a masterful message.

1. The Human Dilemma

2. God’s Sovereign Choosing

3. The Intentional Atonement of Jesus Christ

4. The Grace that Overcomes

5. Perseverence and Preservation

Even if you’re not interested in “Calvinism” as an “-ism”, you will find this series helpful and enjoyable because “Calvinism” is about the distinguishing marks of God’s plan of Salvation.

So Great a Salvation >>>

Union with Christ: Robert Letham


What does it mean for us as Christians to be united to Christ?  Do we lose our personality in this union?  Do we experience union on some mystical plane? We often let this subject hang in the realm of the esoteric, when it should be something that causes us joy and wonder.  Robert Letham has recently published a highly acclaimed book Union with Christ with P&R Publishing. I wanted to see if Robert had a message series on this subject and I happened to find a 2009 sermon series by Letham on the same subject.

Union with Christ part 1

Union with Christ part 2

Union with Christ part 3

Union with Christ part 4

Union with Christ part 5

Union with Christ part 6

Resolved 2011

This past June the Resolved Conference was held in Palm Springs, and featured it’s brain child Rick Holland and many of his usual suspects: John MacArthur, Al Mohler, C.J. Mahaney and Steve Lawson.  This was a fantastic conference, not that I would expect anything less.

The Lynchpin to Spiritual Growth  Rick Holland  Audio (MP3)

Authority of the Scriptures  John MacArthur  Audio (MP3)

Prove It: Knowing and Doing the Will of God  Al Mohler  Audio (MP3)

A Vision of God in a Time of Crisis  John MacArthur  Audio (MP3)

When Someone Doubts  C.J. Mahaney  Audio (MP3)

Our So Great Salvation   Steve Lawson  Audio (MP3)

The Believer’s Right Response to Difficulty  Rick Holland  Audio (MP3)

Children of Light  Steve Lawson  Audio (MP3)

So I Really Do Need The Law?   Al Mohler  Audio (MP3)

Called, Loved, and Kept  C.J. Mahaney  Audio (MP3)

2011 Resolved Conference audio >>>