Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology Series

Monergism has just uploaded all 117 classes from Wayne Grudem’s famous  lecture series covering his excellent Systematic Theology book. This should keep these lectures as a stable link for years to come.  In the past they have been moved from place to place killing all of my links.  Thanks to Monergism for hosting these lectures. By the way, the lectures are also available via iTunes.

Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology Series

One of the most helpful free audio resources in the last seven years has been Wayne Grudem’s lectures through his excellent Systematic Theology. He began this lecture series in 2005 at Scottsdale Bible Church and finished in 2009. The series was built around the reading of each chapter and Grudem’s lectures followed the readings.  I recommend you purchase his Systematic Theology to coincide this lecture series.  It is one of the most readable and accessible Systematics I’ve read. Grudem’s lectures are clear, insightful and he is very helpful in laying out all positions on certain difficult and controversial issues.  They are all followed by a short Q&A session.

Christian Essentials (Grudem’s Systematic Theology)>>>

God’s Mighty Acts in the Old Testament

Christ the Center interview Richard Gamble about the first volume of his systematic theology The Whole Counsel of God vol 1: God’s Mighty Acts in the Old Testament. Gamble and the CTC team talk about the differences between systematic and biblical theologies, and provide helpful insights by comparing numerous works that fall into these categories.  Gamble stresses the importance of having a healthy systematic theology for the life of the church.

God’s Mighty Acts in the OT >>>

Bruce Ware: Big Truth for Young Hearts

Al Mohler invites Bruce Ware onto his radio program.  Ware has written a book that encourages and guides parents in teaching their children systematic theology, called Big Truth for Young Hearts.  Mohler and Ware have a very enlightening conversation about Ware’s conviction and practice of teaching children systematic theology.  Al observes this is one of those books that is unusual in the market, and when you see it you can’t believe there aren’t more like it.  Mohler and Ware talk about the need for adults to give more credit to the ability of children to learn challenging theological concepts rather than watering them down to moralities.

Big Truth for Young Hearts >>>

Eschatology: Wayne Grudems Systematic Theology Lectures

As Wayne wraps up his 5 year long series of lectures going through his excellent Systematic Theology, he looks at the varying views of the millennium, final judgment, hell, and the new heavens and new earth.

Wayne spends  little time on the Post-millennial view because it’s based on very few and very weak proof-texts.  Amillennalism takes more time since this is a very popular view in many reformed circles.  There is also a helpful discussion on Preterism and Dispensationalism. Wayne spends on entire message looking at premillennialism, which is the view he holds.

Final judgement and eternal punishment take up another lecture, followed by a look at the New Heavens and the New Earth.

Christian Essentials >>>

The Purity and Unity of the Church: Grudem Systematic Theology series

Somehow I’ve missed this post in the chronology of Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology series.  This message on the purity of the church looks at church discipline, which is not an unloving act, nor a promotion of disunity.  Church discipline seeks the churches purity, not only of the church itself, but the purifying chastening of God in the life of the unrepentant.

The Purity and Unity of the Church mp3 >>>

Tongues, Healing & Prophecy: Grudem Sys Theo

Wayne Grudem tackles the gamut of spiritual giftedness, taking specific classes to focus on the gift of tongues, healing, and prophecy (sometimes inaccurately called a word of knowledge).

Wayne does a gracious job of providing a balance of perspectives. He is not a cessationist, but he does have some helpful controlling ideas that should be true of these gifts and their use. I found this to be a very helpful series of addresses in understanding some of the difficult aspects that these issues tend to carry.

Grudem has almost changed my mind about prophecy and it’s place today. He carefully explains what it’s not, which paves the way for understanding what it is. He did his doctorate on this subject of prophecy, and his efforts in this area should not be quickly dismissed.

There are 3 messages on Chapter 53 of his systematic theology.

Tongues, Healing & Prophecy >>>

Spiritual Gifts: Grudem Sys Theo

Wayne Grudem takes 3 sessions to look carefully at the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the believer in general.  This does not include a specific look at the ecstatic, charismatic gifts.

I think two of the most helpful things to come out of these 3 sessions, which is not talked about so much, is, one, that these lists of gifts that Paul talks about are not meant to be exhaustive.  There are very common and needed gifts for the proper functioning of the church body, such as pastors, teachers, etc. But the Spirit can gift a believer with a giftedness for some very specific work of God, or gifts that are needed in different ages.

And two, giftedness sometimes changes as the needs around believers change.  We are not given wooden gifts that never change.  Giftedness changes according to God’s work among a people.

The Gifts of the Spirit, chapter 52 >>>