Hitchens Debated

In light of Christopher Hitchens passing this past December, I’ve been barnstorming apologetics lectures and debates, and will be sharing many of those over the next few weeks.

As much as I disagree with Hitchens, and find his grasp of the Bible and Christianity very thin, I admire his ability to communicate, argue and wield the English language. Of all the popular, celebrity atheists, Hitchens is by far the most articulate and formidable, in my opinion. He makes “anti-theism” incredibly appealing to those who don’t have much beyond a Sunday School grasp of Christianity.

I have found the majority of debates with most of the other atheists (or atheistic-leaning agnostics) to be quite dull as their arguments and evasions are easily unmasked.  But Hitchens puts up an admirable fight and, consequently, the Christian debaters often shine brighter than we would have seen otherwise.  Christianity has some incredible defenders in men like Dinesh D’Souza, Doug Wilson, Alistar McGrath, John Lennox and William Lane Craig.

Here are some links to free mp3 files of debates:

Hitchens Debates D’Souza >>>

Hitchens Debates McGrath>>>

Hitchens Debates Wilson>>>

There are a few debates only available on DVD of note that you can purchase from Amazon:

Hitchens vs. Craig; Does God Exist >>>

Hitchens vs. D’Souza: God on Trial >>>

Hitchens vs. Wilson; Collision: Is Christianity Good for the World >>>

This DVD is not a full fledged debate, but rather something of a travelog of Wilson and Hitchens on a book tour to promote their book which covers a debate that they had. While not a debate I found it fascinating.

Hitchens vs. Lennox; Is God Great? >>>

Is God Great: John Lennox Vs Christopher Hitchens

John Lennox: Challenger to the New Atheists

John Lennox is a mathematician and philosopher of science at Oxford, and he is a staunch defender of Christianity from the attacks of the new atheists.  He has debated the likes of Richard Dawkins.  Lennox brings sound reasoning and powerful arguments to the table as he considers the assaults new atheism has erected in the public eye.  There is quite a bit of audio material  online that is very helpful and interesting.  John’s site includes a number of interviews and debates, as well as a host of short 2 to 6 minute video clips that address a particular issue relevant to the criticisms of atheists.


Dawkins Lennox Debate (the “God Delusion Debate”) hosted at the University of Alabama.

The Feed Trust.org. A resource of mulit-lingual Bible resources that Lennox is involved with.

BBC Interview with John Lennox, interviewer Tim Bearder.

Fixed Point Foundation.  Organization that has organized the debates between Lennox and Dawkins.

Basics Conference 2009

Alistair Begg, John Piper and John Lennox come together in a conference that is a real treat to listen to.  This trio is a uniquely fitted group of men that shine with distinctive voices, backgrounds and convictions that resonate with combined power.  The Q&A session is testimony to this.

Each one of these men and their messages are equally marvelous and helpful.  Begg with his down to earth wisdom and pastoral insight; Piper with his rational theological power and motivation; and Lennox with his sharp discerning mind and articulate clarity.

I must point out that this conference was my introduction to John Lennox.  Lennox is a mathematician and philosopher of science at Oxford, and a Christian.  He is one of the most formidable opponents to the new atheism crowd.  The man is a wealth of wisdom.

This certainly was a great conference and I commend it highly.

Basics at Truth for Life >>>