The Romantic Rationalist: God, Life, and Imagination in the Work of C.S. Lewis

The audio for Desiring God’s 2013 National Conference is online. This years conference focused on the life, work and world of C. S. Lewis, and the list of speakers include N. D Wilson, his father Doug Wilson, Phil Ryken, Randy Alcorn and more. Looking forward to going hearing these messages.

The Romantic Rationalist >>>

Heaven & Hell: Resolved 2008

This was perhaps one of the most significant conferences I’ve heard in the past few years. Not that others haven’t been good, but this one was special.

Randy Alcorn, John MacArthur, John Piper, Steve Lawson, Rick Holland and C.J. Mahaney all did an outstanding job in redirecting our focus to the larger things at work in life that require carefull thinking.

Heaven & Hell: Resolved 2008 page >>>

Stand: 2007 Desiring God National Conference

The subject of this years conference is Endurance in Ministry, a very important subject since so many people and pastors appear to have very little ability to endure through the difficulties and challenges of ministry.  John Piper, Jerry Bridges, John MacArthur, and Randy Alcorn bring life long ministry experience and convictions that will encourage and educate anyone involved in church ministry.

Stand: 2007 National Conference page >>>