Charges to a Young Minister

Dick Lucas preached the induction message for Robin Sydserff as he enters the pastorate of St. Catherines Argyle Church of Scotland.  Lucas is a dry witted Brit and preaches with a great deal of hard earned wisdom from a steadfast ministry.

Charges to a Young Minister >>>

Phil Ryken’s Ordination message for Nicholas Batzig

If you have been enjoying the Christ the Center programs, you will be familiar with Nic Batzig.  Nic was recently ordained, and none other than Phil Ryken gave the ordination message from 1 Corinthians 16.

Ryken draws a number of parallels between his knowledge of Nic and the similarities of what Paul faced in Corinth.  He also drew heavily from John Calvin’s ministry.  Nic will be planting a church in Georgia, and Ryken deals heavily with the nature of the warfare he will face as a church planter.

Ryken’s Ordination message >>>