How to Kill Sin

Do you live in a peacekeeping mentality, or a war time mentality? John Piper looks at Romans 8 and exhorts us to make war on our sin.  ‘If you’re not killing sin, then sin is killing you.’  This is an excellent 3-part series.

How to Kill Sin pt. 1 >>>

How to Kill Sin pt. 2 >>> 

How to Kill Sin pt. 3 >>>

Battling Unbelief series with John Piper

This is an older sermon series that is the basis for a recently released book by the same name.  This is a timeless series.  Piper demonstrates how particular sins are an expression of unbelief in God, His sovereignty and His promises. Piper defines unbelief based on John 6:35:

piper_battlingunbelief.jpg“Unbelief is turning away from Jesus to find satisfaction somewhere else. Or, to put it positively, ‘belief’ in Jesus is coming to Him to feed on Him; that is to get my satisfaction, to have my soul-thirst satisfied from Him. That means that eternal life, as we said earlier in John 3, is promised not to those who think things about Jesus as the Son of God merely, but to those who drink from the Son of God. Eternal life is promised to faith.  And faith is not an idea in the head, it’s an appetite of heart fastening onto the Bread of Life. You can think all kinds of ideas about that loaf of bread, Jesus Christ, and if you don’t eat it to the satisfaction of your soul, you’re unsaved.”

Each message focuses on a particular sin: covetousness, anxiety, bitterness, lust, pride, anger, impatience, misplaced shame, and despondancy.

Battling Unbelief page at Desiring God >>>