G3 Conference 2013: The Gospel Message & Mission

Steve Lawson, Joel Beeke, David Miller, Paul Washer, Don Whitney, Voddie Baucham, and Tim Challies deliver messages at the G3 Conference in 2013.

From the website:

The message of the gospel has been neglected in many pulpits in modern evangelicalism.  In an aggressive attempt to grow churches through schemes and strategies of man, the true gospel has taken a backseat and all of this has developed a skewed mission for the church.  Rather than pleading with sinners to repent and be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ in our neighborhoods and throughout the nations of the world, many churches are interested in reporting numbers – and this approach has led to untold masses of false conversions.  We must have a resurgence of gospel preaching and missions for the glory of King Jesus.

G3 Conference 2013>>>

Behold Your God Conference

Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically was a conference held in Nashville in 2013 that featured some speakers who I am very familiar with, such as Paul Washer and Conrad Mbewe, and some men who are new to me.

John Snyder is the author and central figure behind the Behold Your God DVD Bible Study which travels across the world to talk about the lives and ministries of well know figures from church history, and reflects biblically on the lessons we can learn from them as they highlight certain truths in their lives, either positively or negatively.

The men speaking at this conference include John Snyder, R. O. Roberts, Anthony Mathneia,, Andrew Davies, Jordan Thomas, Paul Washer and Conrad Mbewe.

Behold Your God Conference >>>

The Expositors Summit 2013

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary recently featured Alistair Begg, H. B. Charles and Al Mohler at the annual Expositors Summit.

From the website:

Preaching plays a vital role in a church’s health. For this reason, this year’s Expositors Summit aims to contribute to the health of local churches by restoring the primacy of expository preaching in the pulpit. Preachers, pastors, students and all who love the Scriptures are invited to hear keynote speakers R. Albert Mohler Jr., H.B. Charles Jr. and Alistair Begg at this Word-driven event.

“Preaching is the essential instrumentality through which God shapes his people.”
– R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Session 1 Al Mohler >>>

Session 2 H. B. Charles Jr. >>>

Session 3 Alistair Begg >>>

Session 4 H. B. Charles Jr. >>>

Session 5 Alistair Begg >>>

Session 6 Al Mohler >>>

Chapel Session Alistair Begg “One Thing” >>>

Chapel Session H. B. Charles Jr. “A Safe Place in God” >>>

Here are two promotional videos for the conference:

The Romantic Rationalist: God, Life, and Imagination in the Work of C.S. Lewis

The audio for Desiring God’s 2013 National Conference is online. This years conference focused on the life, work and world of C. S. Lewis, and the list of speakers include N. D Wilson, his father Doug Wilson, Phil Ryken, Randy Alcorn and more. Looking forward to going hearing these messages.

The Romantic Rationalist >>>

The Gospel Coalition 2013 Conference

The audio and video for TGC 2013 is now available online, more than 80 messages from a wide array of speakers including Don Carson, TimKeller, John Piper, Al Mohler, Russell Moore, and Kevin DeYoung. For the ladies we have Noel Piper, Megan Best, Kathleen Nielson, Nancy Guthrie and Elyse Fitzpatrick.

This years title:  His Mission: Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. This also includes the preconference on missions: His Love Compels Us.

One of the unique aspects of this conference is that all media has been translated into five languages: Mandarin Chinese, Farsi, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

TGC 2013 Conference >>>

Al Mohler on “Why Expositional Preaching is a Bad Idea”

Do you know how your understanding of preaching  has been shaped  in recent centuries by the Pietists, the Revivalists, the Liberals, the Pragmatists and the Consumerists?  If you don’t, you need to because these influences are shaping the crisis of preaching in the church  today. That’s why this message by Al Mohler deserves a wide, wide hearing.   It is 21st Christian preaching and its origins 101.

The frightening reality today is that preaching has metamorphosized into many different forms, and we are therefore required to differentiate these unbiblical forms from true biblical preaching, and to do that we label biblical preaching as “expository” preaching.  And sadly, expository preaching is far from the norm in the church today, and it’s no wonder given the contented widespread biblical ignorance we see in the Christian church.

Mohler is a champion for expository preaching, and in this message he carefully and wisely considers the  many arguments given by opponents of expository preaching, and examines how each of these historically developed from bad, and even shocking theology.  Hence his provocative title.  This should be required listening for your leaders and discipleship groups, if not your whole church.

By the way, if you haven’t listened to any of the messages at the 9 Marks at SBTS conference you are missing a real treat.

Why Expositional Preaching is a Bad Idea —

Audio >>>

Video >>>

Brothers We Are Still Not Professionals: 2013 Desiring God Pastors Conference

The 26th Desiring God Pastor’s Conference took up the theme of the supernatural in pastoral ministry. Speakers included Mark Dever, Kent Hughes, Darrin Patrick, Tope Koleoso and some newer faces including Jason Meyer who is taking over the pastoral position that John Piper is leaving.

John Piper’s biographical sketch looks at a man who you probably have never heard of, George Herbert, an Anglican priest of a small country parish. What Piper focuses on in the life and ministry of George Herbert is his poetry and use of words to glorify God.

2013 Pastor’s Conference >>>