G4 Conference 2014: The Church From a Biblical Perspective

Steve Lawson, Conrad Mbewe, Paul Washer, John Synder, Voddie Baucham, Tim Challies, Josh Buice, and David Miller joined at the 2014 G4 Conference to preach on issues of the church.

From the website:

The church was founded by Jesus Christ and serves the purpose of bringing glory, honor, and praise to God.  In our present day landscape of American evangelicalism, the church is being morphed into concert halls, entertainment stages, and country clubs.  The younger generation today is being raised without any connection or commitment to the church of Jesus Christ.  In fact, many churches are forming Saturday night services and minimizing worship opportunities in order to accommodate the pace of our American families.  The culture is trying to change the church into something modern, convenient, cheap, and non-intrusive.  In the process, doctrine has taken a backseat to pragmatics and the pulpit has been replaced with entertainment programs.  From coffee shop churches to Internet churches – there is a massive problem that must be addressed in our modern culture.  Let us not forget that while all of these modern advancements take place that are morphing the foundation of the church, hundreds of thousands of small dying churches are preparing to breathe their last breath.  The subject of the church is a vital issue that must be addressed and it must be addressed from the counsel of sacred Scriptures.

G3 Conference 2014 >>>

G3 Conference 2013: The Gospel Message & Mission

Steve Lawson, Joel Beeke, David Miller, Paul Washer, Don Whitney, Voddie Baucham, and Tim Challies deliver messages at the G3 Conference in 2013.

From the website:

The message of the gospel has been neglected in many pulpits in modern evangelicalism.  In an aggressive attempt to grow churches through schemes and strategies of man, the true gospel has taken a backseat and all of this has developed a skewed mission for the church.  Rather than pleading with sinners to repent and be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ in our neighborhoods and throughout the nations of the world, many churches are interested in reporting numbers – and this approach has led to untold masses of false conversions.  We must have a resurgence of gospel preaching and missions for the glory of King Jesus.

G3 Conference 2013>>>