Rezolution Conference 2015: False Prophets and True Prosperity

“False Prophets and True Prosperity: a biblical response and remedy to the Prosperity Gospel” is the title of the 2015 Rezolution conference featuring Conrade Mbewe, Steve Lawson and Phil Johnson. The conference was hosted in Johannesburg, South Africa.

From the website:

This year REZOLUTION tackles the biggest threat to the Church in Africa, ‘False Prophets and True Prosperity: a biblical response and remedy to the Prosperity Gospel’.

That we may be warned and equipped, REZ has called in three foremost watchmen,Conrad Mbewe, Phil Johnson and Steve Lawson to sound the alarm.

REZ has always been about rallying Christians together around great doctrines through great preaching and great singing.

The pinnacle of REZ is a Friday night and all day Saturday feast of rich exposition and passionate worship.

In the three-day build up to REZ we offer the following tailored to pastors, church leaders and all who want to dig deeper:

On Wednesday the 2nd of September our three keynote speakers address a Pastors Seminar surveying today’s spiritual landscape and minefields, arming us with biblical solutions.

On Thursday the 3rd and Friday the 4th Steve Lawson bring us his superb Institute for Expository Preaching, ‘Preaching with Precision and Power’.

Resolution 2015 Conference >>>

G4 Conference 2014: The Church From a Biblical Perspective

Steve Lawson, Conrad Mbewe, Paul Washer, John Synder, Voddie Baucham, Tim Challies, Josh Buice, and David Miller joined at the 2014 G4 Conference to preach on issues of the church.

From the website:

The church was founded by Jesus Christ and serves the purpose of bringing glory, honor, and praise to God.  In our present day landscape of American evangelicalism, the church is being morphed into concert halls, entertainment stages, and country clubs.  The younger generation today is being raised without any connection or commitment to the church of Jesus Christ.  In fact, many churches are forming Saturday night services and minimizing worship opportunities in order to accommodate the pace of our American families.  The culture is trying to change the church into something modern, convenient, cheap, and non-intrusive.  In the process, doctrine has taken a backseat to pragmatics and the pulpit has been replaced with entertainment programs.  From coffee shop churches to Internet churches – there is a massive problem that must be addressed in our modern culture.  Let us not forget that while all of these modern advancements take place that are morphing the foundation of the church, hundreds of thousands of small dying churches are preparing to breathe their last breath.  The subject of the church is a vital issue that must be addressed and it must be addressed from the counsel of sacred Scriptures.

G3 Conference 2014 >>>

Behold Your God Conference

Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically was a conference held in Nashville in 2013 that featured some speakers who I am very familiar with, such as Paul Washer and Conrad Mbewe, and some men who are new to me.

John Snyder is the author and central figure behind the Behold Your God DVD Bible Study which travels across the world to talk about the lives and ministries of well know figures from church history, and reflects biblically on the lessons we can learn from them as they highlight certain truths in their lives, either positively or negatively.

The men speaking at this conference include John Snyder, R. O. Roberts, Anthony Mathneia,, Andrew Davies, Jordan Thomas, Paul Washer and Conrad Mbewe.

Behold Your God Conference >>>