Questions & Answers with John MacArthur

On Sunday evenings at Grace Community Church in LA, John MacArthur will occasionally have a question and answer night.  People in attendance get the mic to ask John some very tough questions.  These sessions can be very informative and edifying. 

OnePlace has posted a Q&A recently on it’s site.  For who did Jesus die?  When is the age of accountability for children?  Why does Scripture say Jesus exercised faith?  Why and when are we to fast? These are just some of the questioned posed in this service. 

This message is a free download when you register with OnePlace.

Questions & Answers >>>

New Attitude 07

na07.jpgFree downloads for all messages. This year’s conference covered humble orthodoxy, discernment and how to apply God’s Word to our lives.  The messages:

  1. Joshua Harris – Discernment
  2. Mark Dever – Discern Your Doctrine
  3. Albert Mohler – Discern Your Culture
  4. C.J. Mahaney – Discern Your Heart
  5. Eric Simmons – Discern the Graymatters
  6. John Piper – Discern What Pleases God: Himself
  7. John Piper – Discern What Pleases God: Personal Obedience
  8. C.J. Mahaney – Discern How to Apply

New Attitude messages >>>

Battling Unbelief series with John Piper

This is an older sermon series that is the basis for a recently released book by the same name.  This is a timeless series.  Piper demonstrates how particular sins are an expression of unbelief in God, His sovereignty and His promises. Piper defines unbelief based on John 6:35:

piper_battlingunbelief.jpg“Unbelief is turning away from Jesus to find satisfaction somewhere else. Or, to put it positively, ‘belief’ in Jesus is coming to Him to feed on Him; that is to get my satisfaction, to have my soul-thirst satisfied from Him. That means that eternal life, as we said earlier in John 3, is promised not to those who think things about Jesus as the Son of God merely, but to those who drink from the Son of God. Eternal life is promised to faith.  And faith is not an idea in the head, it’s an appetite of heart fastening onto the Bread of Life. You can think all kinds of ideas about that loaf of bread, Jesus Christ, and if you don’t eat it to the satisfaction of your soul, you’re unsaved.”

Each message focuses on a particular sin: covetousness, anxiety, bitterness, lust, pride, anger, impatience, misplaced shame, and despondancy.

Battling Unbelief page at Desiring God >>> 

Sovereign Grace Leadership Conference 2007

Sovereign Grace Ministries is somewhat of an anomaly in the church today, and I mean that in a good sense. We live in a day where we are seeing denominations shrink, but Sovereign Grace Ministries is planting healthy, growing churches based on solid reformed teaching. They are also heavily involved in writing new, theologically sound, worship music. God is doing amazing work through this organization. So, when they put on a leadership conference, I want to know about it. All three general session speakers, Sproul, Powlison, and Mahaney, delivered messages you will want to hear.

R. C. Sproul opened the general sessions. C. J. Mahaney was correct when he said nobody can preach about the holiness of God like R. C. Sproul. If you’ve never heard Sproul preach on the holiness of God, you’re in for a treat.

David Powlison brought a message that has been deeply embedded in his mind of late. He confronted the unfortunate tendency within the church to follow the culture in it’s unhealthy habit of introspection. Powlison argues that our introspection should be short lived and our focus on God and Scripture should be more weighty. The message he brought was like a lightning bolt to our age. If you only buy one MP3 from this conference it must be Powlison’s message.

C. J. Mahaney’s message title ‘Trinitarian Pastoral Ministry’ might be somewhat misleading, but his lecture was timely and needed. I won’t go over the spine of his message, but will cover two important points he raised. First, he brought much needed clarity to the ‘charismatic’ issue, and offering a clarifying term for his position which he calls ‘continuationism’ (as opposed to cessationism). He also called for the church to stop trying to redefine itself to be ‘relevant’ to the culture. He calls for churches to recover lost ground in the face of post-modern church thinking.

When you order the conference, order the whole conference, general sessions and seminars. The full package is only $4.oo more and there are some excellent seminars. Powlison returns of a seminar. Other seminar speakers include Mark Dever, Joshua Harris, and Mike Bullmore. For the ladies, Carolyn Mahaney brings a message titled ‘Watch your Man’ and then is part of a panel discussion.

The conference consists of 4 General Sessions and 16 Seminars.

Full MP3 CD set ($24) >>>

General Sessions MP3 download ($8) >>>

Seminars MP3 download ($16) >>>

Doctrines of Grace 2007 Conference

doctrinesofgrace.jpgThe Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals Conference this year focused on the Doctrines of Grace. The speakers include Sinclair Ferguson, Phil Ryken, Ligon Duncan, Carl Trueman, Derek Thomas and others. Four of the sessions were devoted to ‘Reformed Biography’, biographical lectures about B.B. Warfield, John Owen, Thomas Boston and John Knox.

Doctrines of Grace MP3 page >>>

Piper’s Complete Romans series on MP3 CD


224 sermons preached from 1998 to 2006 are all on one MP3 CD.  John Piper’s entire series on Romans is available for only $85 (a mere .37 cents per message.)

Desiring God is doing a stellar job of making Piper’s messages available and accessible, absorbing the expense themselves.  One way you can support them is to purchase their packaged audio products, such as this Roman’s series. 

Piper’s Complete Roman Series page >>>

‘Time to Act Like Men’ 2007 Men’s Conference

This one day conference at Grace Community Church in California featured John MacArthur, Michael Fabarez, Alex Montoya and Phil Johnson. They took up the subject of Biblical masculinity and spiritual leadership.  This is a must-hear conference for all Christian men.

MacArthur looked at the necessity of men to be strong, couragous, endurance and  conviction.

With his typical candor, Montoya challenged men to live authentic lives knowing the world is watching our every move. He clearly explained what it means to live in the world and not be conformed to the world.

Fabarez took a sharpened look at what it means to be a man in the home, and brought a critical message that all men should use in examining their leadership in the home.

Phil Johnson addressed the feminization of the church, largely caused by the abdication of Christian men.  Phil related very interesting first hand information about how some Christian publishers target their book content for a female audiences, at the expense of the male audience.

This is was a profitable conference, one which I will be returning to listen to a second time.

Act Like Men before God, John MacArthur >>>
Act Like Men in the World, Alex Montoya >>>
Act Like Men in the Home, Michael Fabarez >>>
Act like Men in the Church, Phil Johnson >>>

Doctrine of Man, Grudem Systematic Theology update

Grudem has completed 4 lectures on the doctrine of man in his continuing series on Systematic Theology.

Doctrine of Man: Created in the Image of God mp3>>>

Doctrine of Man: Manhood & Womanhood in Creation & Marriage pt. 1 mp3>>>

Doctrine of Man: Manhood & Womanhood in Creation & Marriage pt. 2 mp3>>>

Doctrine of Man: The Essential Nature of Man mp3>>>

The complete, up-to-date post of all Grudem’s Systematic Theology messages is here >>>